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Collateral Beauty Movie Quotes

Collateral Beauty Movie Quotes

Collateral Beauty movie quotes help tell the story of the film about one man who struggles to put his life back together after the death of his daughter. The drama was written by Allan Loeb and directed by David Frankel. Collateral Beauty opened in theaters on December 16, 2016, in the United States.

In Collateral Beauty, Howard Inlet (Will Smith) finds himself utterly lost in life after the death of his young daughter. The once highly successful advertising executive is now only a shell of himself and, to help cope, begins writing letters to things, specifically love, time and death. His coworkers (including Kate Winslet, Michael Pena and Edward Nortin) want desperately to help him, but don't know how to approach this strange behavior.

Howard seeks out the help of a grief support group and builds a friendship with Madeline (Naomi Harris). He confides in her that love, time and death (Keira Knightley, Jacob Lattimore and Helen Mirren, respectively) begin showing up in his life as people and stating their case. To help him cope, Madeline and others urge Howard to talk to these people and learn how they can be used in his ongoing life.

Collateral Beauty movie quotes give a peek inside the film, just like quotes for other movies do the same including for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Miss Sloane, Office Christmas Party, and La La Land.  

Collateral Beauty Movie Quotes,

You Wrote Me Because You Need Me

Raffi: Remember me? I'm time. You wrote me because you need me.
Claire: Howard
Raffi: Ask her! Go ahead, ask her if she can see me!

Howard is a bit surprised when Raffi, who is time, shows up in his office in these Collateral Beauty movie quotes. Raffi explains that Howard needs time, while it's unclear if Raffi is a real person or someone Howard is simply imagining.

You Need to Talk to Them

Whit: What if love, death and time are trying to help you?
Madeline: You need to talk to them, Howard. Challenge them! Just engage! Just be sure to notice that collateral beauty is the profound connection to everything. 

Whit and Madeline encourage Howard to talk to love, death and time in the hope that is how Howard will heal from his loss. A unconventional situation requires equally unconventional advice.

Here to Take Me

Howard: You're not here to take me, are you?
Brigitte: No, Howard, I'm here to take the F train with you.

Howard is surprised when death, Brigette, shows up next to him as he is about to board a subway train. But as she mentions in these Collateral Beauty movie quotes, she's not there to kill him, rather just take a ride.

He Writes to Things

Claire: Howard is a brilliant man and he's not just a boss. He's a friend. He lost his child and now he doesn't care if he loses everything else. 
Sally: This might be the strangest thing I have ever come across. He writes letters.
Claire: Who are they to? 
Sally: Howard doesn't write letters to people. He writes to things, time, love, death. 
Simon: Kids write letters to Santa Claus. It doesn't mean their crazy.
Claire: No, this is therapeutic. 

A number of Howard's coworkers discuss his recent struggles in these Collateral Beauty movie quotes. They explain his unique way of grieving and question his sanity, but really they mean well.

Love is the Reason for Everything

Aimee: I'm love and I'm the fabric of life... Love is the reason for everything. 
Howard: I felt you everyday when she laughed and you broke my heart!
Aimee: I was there in her laugh but I'm also here now in your pain.

Aimee, who is love, and Howard have an emotional discussion in these Collateral Beauty movie quotes. Howard feels heartbroken by love, but Aimee explains that love is still in his life, and even in his pain.

I Don't Know How

Claire: I don't know what to do to bring you back. 

Claire very much wants to help Howard during his time of grieving but simply does not know how. This pains her very much. 

I'm Having Conversations

Howard: You're going to think I'm crazy but I'm having conversations. Death came first, she met me in the dog park.
Madeline: So death is a her?
Howard: Turns out death is an elderly white woman.
Madeline: Something's starting to happen to you.

Howard explains to Madeline the conversations he's having with the recipients of his letters. Except for the fact that he writes letters to and has conversations with things, who arrive in his life as people, this is all completely normal.

Trying to Fix My Mind

Madeline: Was it the holiday?
Howard: No, it wasn't that.
Madeline: Then why did you decide to come in tonight? 
Howard: Um, I'm trying to fix my mind. 

Madeline, the leader of a grief support group, talks to Howard after his first time attending to ask why he decided to join. As Howard explains in these Collateral Beauty movie quotes, he needs help in dealing with the death of his daughter.

We're Here to Connect Love, Time and Death

Howard: Life is about people. At the end of the day, we're here to connect love, time, death. Now these three things connect every single human being on earth. We long for love. We wish we had more time. And we fear death. 

Howard explains a bit about life and in turn explains some of the film in this Collateral Beauty movie quote. Love, time and death are what connects everyone.

I Miss Him

Claire: Howard is a brilliant, creative, charismatic guy. He used to love life. Right now he hates it. 
Whit: I try to talk to him. I try to reach him and he's not there. I miss him. 

Claire and Whit discuss what a fantastic person Howard is, and how he is not himself following the death of his daughter. While they don't have the answer to helping him grieve, they want to support him however they can.

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