True Story movie quotes tell the real life story of one man accused of murdering his family who takes the identity of a journalist and enlists the journalists help to clear his name. The drama was adapted by David Kajganich from the memoir by Michael Finkel. Rupert Gould directed the film which opened in theaters on April 17, 2015.
In True Story, New York Times journalist Michael Finkel (Jonah Hill) learns that he's being fired from the publication after fabricating facts for a cover story. While his lady friend Jill (Felicity Jones) is relieved that he's done with the Times, Michael still has an urge to do serious reporting, which comes in handy when he receives a strange phone call.
Michael learns that Christian Longo (James Franco), a man suspected of murdering his wife and three children, claimed to be Michael when he was arrested for the slayings. Michael yearns to learn more about the man and visits him in prison. Christian explains that he will tell Michael, and Michael only, the truth, which leads Michael to feel Christian is innocent. As the investigation continues, Michael treads a fine line between the truth and what might be an elaborate scam Christian is conducting.
True Story opens in theaters alongside a bunch of other great films including Ex Machina, The Longest Ride, Furious 7, Cut Bank and Get Hard.
True Story Movie Quotes,
An Exceptionally Dangerous Man
Sheriff: I believe we're dealing with an exceptionally dangerous man.
A sheriff in charge of the Christian Longo case warns Michael just how dangerous Christian is. Despite the gruesome charges against Christian, Michael seems determined to remain on Christian's side.
Hoped That We Could Be Friends Too
Jill: Hello?
Christian Longo: Jill, hey, hello, nice to meet you.
Jill: Chris?
Christian Longo: You know, Mike, he's been a real friend to me. I just hoped that we could be friends too.
Jill receives an unexpected call from Christian. The conversation is creepy, to say the least, and startles Jill.
Not the Man I Wanted to Be
Michael Finkel: You're an outcast.
Christian Longo: That's not the man I wanted to be.
Michael Finkel: None of us is the man he wants to be.
Michael tries to get into what really happened with the murders of Christian's wife and three children by questioning Christian. Christian isn't exactly forthcoming about the truth, despite his vows to tell Michael what really happened.
Who Do You Have to Protect?
Michael Finkel: Who? Who do you have to protect?
Christian Longo: I can't say.
Michael Finkel: My whole reputation's on the line!
Christian Longo: Don't give up on me!
Michael Finkel: Chris, did you do what you're accused of doing?
When Christian is close to naming who he claims is truly responsible for the murders of Christian's family, he refuses. This makes Michael a bit angry, especially as he's put his career on the line to help this accused murderer.
He Used You
Cheryl: You had a choice of so many stories to tell and you chose his.
Michael Finkel: Actually, he picked me.
Cheryl: He didn't pick you. He used you.
Cheryl confronts Michael about the work Michael is doing to help Christian. She remarks that Christian is only manipulating Michael, but Michael is clueless about the big picture.
Once in a Lifetime Story
Michael Finkel: This is a once in a lifetime story. Don't you see this as a second chance?
In speaking with Jill, Michael is relentless in his pursuit of the Christian Longo story, seeing it as a way to get back into serious journalism. Jill, on the other hand, is not so sure.
So Why Me?
Michael Finkel: So, why me?
Christian Longo: I've followed your whole career. I guess I felt like I knew you. I want to tell you my side of this, only you. Maybe at this point it doesn't matter.
Michael Finkel: The truth always matters.
Christian Longo: It always seems to matter to you.
Chris explains why he chose Michael as the person he claimed to be when he was arrested. As Chris mentions, Michael felt familiar but perhaps there is more to this story.
First Impressions
Michael Finkel: Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Longo.
Christian Longo: Call me Chris.
Michael Finkel: Nice to meet you, Chris.
Christian Longo: Yeah, nice to meet you too. What are you writing?
Michael Finkel: Sorry, it's a habit.
Christian Longo: First impressions?
Michael Finkel: Yes, first impressions.
Christian Longo: What'd you put down?
Michael Finkel: Brown eyes
Christian Longo: That's not very remarkable. I'm sure 70% of the world has brown eyes.
Michael Finkel: I guess so. I don't.
Christian Longo: You know, there's a mathematical technique to determine how ordinary a person you are, not just your looks but your whole life.
Michael Finkel: Really?
Christian Longo: By my calculations, I'd say I'm pretty ordinary. I've been decent, regular for 92.88% of the time, but you couldn't tell that from reading the papers.
In their first meeting, Michael and Chris make small talk about what it means to be ordinary or remarkable. By most counts, Christian is quite ordinary, but does have that accusation of murdering his whole family against him.
He Said He Was Mike Finkel
Michael Finkel: Hello?
Reporter: Hi, my name is Pat Fredo. I'm a reporter with the Oregonian. I'm sure you're buried in all this right now but I wanted to get your side on the Christian Longo story.
Michael Finkel: Who?
Reporter: Christian Longo, the child killer, he murdered his entire family out here in Newport. You must know about him. They finally took him down in Cancun last week. You hadn't heard?
Michael Finkel: No. Why are you telling me this?
Reporter: Because when they apprehended him, he said he was Mike Finkel of the New York Times... Hello? Hello? Mr. Finkel? Hello?
Michael Finkel: Hold on one second.
Michael Finkel: Did he say anything at all about why he claimed to be me?
Reporter: I hoped you might be able to tell me that. He was just a regular guy, an intelligent, sane man. He comes home one night and kills his wife and kids. It makes no sense.
Michael receives a startling call from a fellow reporter explaining his connection to a horrible mass murder. While he's disturbed by the connection, Michael is intrigued to learn more about the case and does just that.
It's Over With the Times
Michael Finkel: This article was about saving young people's lives. You said write it up.
Karen: I said write it up, not make it up.
Michael Finkel: I did the best with what I had.
Marcus: You have a future ahead of you, Mike, but not here.
Jill: You know, to be honest, I'm relieved it's over with the Times. You turned into a real prick working for them.
When meeting with his bosses at the New York Times, Michael learns that due to some stretching of the truth on a cover story, he's being let go. While this is a blow to his career, partner Jill is relieved that this chapter of his life is over.