"Smashed" movie quotes paint a portrait of a young couple who love life, each other and alcohol who are then torn apart when one decides to get clean and sober. The comedy-drama film, directed by James Ponsoldt, earned the U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Prize for Excellence in Independent Film Producing at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival and was subsequently picked up by Sony Pictures Classics for a release date of October 12, 2012.
In "Smashed," Mary Elizabeth Winstead stars as Kate Hannah, an elementary school teacher married to music writer Charlie, portrayed by Aaron Paul. For the Hannahs, life is good. Both enjoy the company of one another, live music, laughter and drinking. Kate however finds her drinking becoming troublesome, especially when it interferes with her job and causes her to make outrageous decisions, like smoking crack, and vows to get clean.
At first, Charlie tries his best to be supportive but really doesn't see Kate's drinking as a problem which only complicates their relationship. Feeling alone and lost, Kate seeks support from a new friend from AA, Jenny (Octavia Spencer), but soon learns that her road to recovery includes repairing relationships with her mother (Mary Kay Place) and her coworkers (Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally) as well as complete honesty with herself and everyone else in her life.
Praised by critics for its sobering look at alcoholism and stellar performance from Winstead, "Smashed" joins the fall 2012 movie season which also includes other blockbusters such as "Sinister," "Seven Psychopaths," "Argo," "Here Comes the Boom," "The Paperboy," "Taken 2," "Frankenweenie," "Butter," "Won't Back Down," "Hotel Transylvania," and "Looper."
Smashed Movie Quotes,
Completely and Utterly Irresponsible
Principal Barnes: "I uh, I'm not, I don't even know what to say, Kate. I'm uh, this is sickening. I'm extremely disappointed in you."
Kate: "I'm really sorry and I've been wanting to tell you the truth for a very long time, okay because honesty is something that's really important to me now and I am going to meetings and I have a sponsor."
Principal Barnes: "Do you know what you've done? Do you realize how humiliating this is? What you've done is completely and utterly irresponsible and I'm afraid that I can't have you here at the school any longer."
Unfortunately for Kate, her drunken antics have reached the point where her boss, Principal Barnes, can no longer look the other way. Kate is fired from her job as a elementary school teacher but perhaps this is just the tough love she needs to clean herself up.
I'm Kate. I'm an Alcoholic.
Kate: "Uh, I'm Kate... Um, I'm an alcoholic."
AA meeting attendees: "Hi Kate"
Kate: "I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh, just those words are weird. Um, I guess I, I don't know if I'm an alcoholic. I just drink. I drink a lot and um I've always drank a lot. Everyone I know drinks a lot so I never really thought it was a problem but lately it kind of seems like it is so... I mean, I just want to be able to have a beer without it turning into 20 or wetting the bed. It just sort of seems like every time I drink something awful happens and um all the things that used to be funny aren't really funny anymore and things have gone from embarrassing to scary. So... So yeah, I'm kind of scared."
At first when she speaks to fellow attendees of her AA group, Kate does not see herself as having a problem. Everyone else drinks just like she does but lately, the consequences, at least for her, of this lifestyle are very scary.
It's Hard to Live Your Life Honesty
Jenny: "It's hard to live your life honestly, you know?"
Feeling alone on her path to recovery, Kate speaks with her sponsor Jenny for some advice. Kenny reminds Kate that this journey to sobriety is not easy and depends on being completely honest with herself and others.
This is My First Time
Kate: "I just, I just really liked your speech."
Jenny: "Oh, thank you, honey. All that dumb s*** happened so now I'm glad it's at least entertaining. What's your name?"
Kate: "Kate. This is my first time at one of these things, I mean this is the first time that I'm not wasted."
Jenny: "Yeah, I remember doing some of that myself."
Kate: "I'm sorry. I don't really know how this works. Could I get your number or... I don't know if I'll need it..."
Jenny: "Oh, yeah, yeah, of course. I'll be happy to explain it all to you and we can also just talk."
Kate: "Cool"
With the desire to get clean and sober, Kate visits her first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. There, she meets Jenny, who first serves as her sponsor then later becomes a friend.
I Wish I Was Meeting You for the First Time
Charlie: "I just keep thinking how I... wish I was meeting you for the first time at a bar and I didn't have any of this baggage and I could buy you a drink and flirt with you all night."
Charlie and Kate surely love one another and have enjoyed their time together, which usually involves copious amounts of alcohol, but just for one moment, Charlie thinks aloud of how much he'd enjoy meeting Kate for the first time a second time.
This Calls for a Celebration
Rochelle: "This calls for a celebration. Come on in, let's have some bloody marys."
Kate: "I stopped drinking."
Rochelle: "Oh! Are you pregnant?"
On her path to sobriety, Kate visits her mother, Rochelle, with the hopes of soothing a strained relationship. Rochelle, excited that Kate and Charlie have arrived for a visit, wants to celebrate with, you guessed it, alcohol.
Don't Take This the Wrong Way
Kate: "Don't take this the wrong way"
Charlie: "What?"
Kate: "I would prefer it if you didn't drink."
Kate has made the decision to stop drinking, which is a difficult enough task on its own without having her husband drinking right in front of her on a regular basis. To help herself succeed, she asks Charlie to abstain from alcohol as well.
I Saw You
Dave: "Is everything, uh, okay, Mrs. Hannah?"
Kate: "I uh, I just feel really embarrassed but um, I feel a lot better and I wanted to thank you."
Dave: "I know you were drinking this morning. I saw you."
Kate: "What? No. No."
Dave: "Drinking when you're pregnant is really dangerous."
Kate: "I know that. I'm not actually pregnant. I'm just really hungover and the kids started asking questions and I throw up and I just..."
Dave: "Okay, that's not good."
Kate: "I know, I know, just please don't say anything."
Dave: "Just go home, get some sleep."
As her alcoholism moves from drinking outside of work to showing up at her elementary school hungover, throwing up and still drinking, the vice principal notices and confronts Kate about the incident. At first Dave condemns Kate for drinking while pregnant but later he learns that it was just a ruse.
I Need to Slow Down
Kate: "I need to tell you something. Last night I ended up smoking crack. I think I need to slow down."
Charlie: "Yeah? I'll help you."
For Kate, coming to the realization that in her drunken stupor she smoked crack is somewhat of a wake up call that it's time to get her drinking under control.