Silence movie quotes provide the dialogue for the film about two 17th century priests who travel to Japan to spread the gospel and rescue a fellow priest. Martin Scorsese directed the film using a screenplay he and Jay Cocks adapted from the 1966 novel of the same name by Shūsaku Endō. Silence opened theatrically in the United States on December 23, 2016.
In Silence, Sebastião Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Francisco Garrpe (Adam Driver) are Catholic priests in 17th century Portugal. When they learn that fellow priest Cristóvão Ferreira (Liam Neeson) has been captured, tortured and subsequently denounced his faith in Japan, they vow to rescue him.
So despite the warnings of danger from Father Alessandro Valignano (Ciarán Hinds) Rodrigues and Garrape travel to Japan in search of Ferreira and to spread the word. But there, the priests encounter violence and persecution for their beliefs, which makes them wonder if their faith is worth this dangerous battle.
Silence movie quotes give a peek into the film just as other movie quotes do for their respective movies including for Why Him?, Assassin's Creed, A Monster Calls, and Passengers.
Silence Movie Quotes,
We Must Go Find Father Ferreira
Father Alessandro Valignano: Ferreira is lost to us. He denounced God in public and surrendered the faith.
Father Francisco Garrpe: That's not possible. Father Ferreira risked his life to spread our faith all over Japan.
Father Sebastião Rodrigues: It seems to me that our mission here is more urgent than ever. We must go find Father Ferreira.
The basic plot of the film is introduced in these Silence movie quotes as the priests discuss their current situation. Father Ferreira has was tortured in Japan and is lost which leads Father Garrpe and Father Rodrigues on a journey to rescue him.
Am I Just Praying to Silence?
Father Sebastião Rodrigues: I pray but I am lost. Am I just praying to silence?
Father Rodrigues questions his faith in a moment of confusion. He knows that he prays, but as he mentions in this Silence movie quote, he does not know if his prayers are being heard.
You Step Into High Danger
Father Alessandro Valignano: This is in your hearts, in both of yours?
Father Sebastião Rodrigues: Yes
Father Alessandro Valignano: Then I must trust God has put it there. The moment you set foot in that country, you step into high danger.
Father Valignano speaks one last time to Father Garrpe and Father Rodrigues regarding if they feel they must go on the dangerous journey to Japan. They both feel in their hearts that this is the right thing, so Father Valignano offers them some parting words of advice.
Preach the Gospel to Every Living Creature
Father Sebastião Rodrigues: Our lord said to them, "go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every living creature."
Father Sebastião Rodrigues recites a passage from the bible in this Silence movie quote talking about his mission. As was said in the book of Mark, he feels his purpose is to preach the gospel around the world.
We Asked for This Mission
Father Francisco Garrpe: It's too dangerous!
Father Sebastião Rodrigues: We asked for this mission.
When the going gets tough, Father Garrpe and Father Rodrigues wonder if going to Japan was the right move. They new of the danger when they asked to go and now must deal with the consequences of that.
The Price for Your Glory
Inoue Masashige: The price for your glory is their suffering!
Inoue Masashige, who was a leader in the persecution of Christians in Japan at the time, offers a stern warning to the priests in this Silence movie quote. He explains that while the priests feel they are doing good, the repercussions of their work causes others to suffer.