Lowriders movie quotes help tell the story in the film about a lowrider-loving father and two sons who don't see eye to eye. The drama movie was directed by Ricardo de Montreuil using a screenplay by Elgin James and Cheo Hodari Coker. Lowriders opened theatrically in the United States on May 12, 2017.
In Lowriders, Miguel (Demián Bichir) is father to two boys, Danny (Gabriel Chavarria) and Francisco (Theo Rossi). While Danny lives at home with Miguel, Francisco is estranged from his father due to his trouble with the law. Danny is on his way to being estranged as well due to his differences with Miguel. Miguel tries to raise Danny to love lowriders, as he does, however Danny feels that expressing himself through graffiti art is more important.
So when Francisco returns home to Miguel and Danny, tensions about what is important in life, what the family's heritage should be, rise. While Danny wants to only do his artwork, while not getting arrested in the process, Francisco tries another way to better his father, building a better lowrider than what Miguel can.
Lowriders movie quotes provide the dialogue for the film just like other quotes do for their respective films including for King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Snatched, 3 Generations, and The Dinner.
Lowriders Movie Quotes,
Talk to Your Sons!
Gloria: Talk to your sons!
Miguel: I can't talk to my sons! They just don't want anything to do with me.
Gloria: When it's your kids, you don't stop trying.
Gloria urges Miguel to talk to sons Danny and Francisco in these Lowriders movie quotes. Miguel feels there's no point, but Gloria reminds him that when it's family, trying is always the right thing to do.
You're a Joke and Nothing Changes
Francisco: Do you know what people call me now? Ghost, cause for the last eight years, you haven't so much as mentioned my name to remind people that I exist. You're a joke and nothing changes!
Francisco goes off on father Miguel for how Miguel treated him. Clearly the two don't get along well, which sets the stage for father and son to battle one another for supremacy.
Lowriders Are About Family
Danny: I grew up in Boyle Heights. I remember when I was a kid, my pops always said, "one day we'd build a car together. Lowriders are about family." Me and my homies, we've never been to Mexico, and no, our Spanish ain't perfect. But you can find us partying with the hipsters in Echo Park, chillin at the skate park in Venice, or doing karaoke in K-Town. For kids like me, sometimes we do end the night at Taco Zone. Yeah, we eat tacos. Why not, right? If it was up to my pops, I'd be fixing cars at his shop all day. This whole city is my canvas. I put up my art for free and he wastes his money on car parts. That makes no sense to me.
Danny gives a little background on himself and his life in this Lowriders movie quote and in turn describes a bit about the film. He was raised amongst those who love lowriders, though he has strayed a bit from that course.
That is Your Heritage
Miguel: That is your heritage, something you know nothing about.
When Danny disses the lowrider lifestyle, Miguel doesn't take kindly to the remark. Miguel mentions in this Lowriders movie quote that the lowrider lifestyle is Danny's heritage and suggests he start to respect it.
Don't Have to Be Poor to Be Real
Lorelai: Famous graffiti artists don't have to be poor to be real.
Danny gets some tough truth from friend Lorelai. She explains that while it's great to want to be an artist, one doesn't have to be poor to be legit.
Let's Show Old School What He's Up Against
Francisco: Let's show old school what he's up against.
Francisco tells brother Danny his plan to settle things with their father, Miguel, once and for all. He's taking the battle to the streets and building a lowrider better than Miguel's, or at least that's the plan in this Lowriders movie quote.
We're Not Going to Get Caught
Danny: Wait, stop the car!
Claudia: What, what, what's wrong? What are you doing? If we get caught, that's my scholarship, Danny.
Danny: We're not going to get caught.
Chuy: You better hurry up, man. Go! Go! Go!
Miguel: Do you have any idea what this could cause your family? Writing your name on other people's property, don't you have an ounce of shame? You're a criminal like your brother.
When Danny sees a perfect place to tag, he orders Claudia to stop the car. But when he is arrested for the crime, his father does not react well whatsoever.
I'm Going to Make it with My Art
Danny: I guarantee you, I'm going to make it with my art.
While Danny clearly thinks that he can make a living with his art, his father, Miguel, does not agree. In Miguel's defense, graffiti artists typically don't end up in Forbes magazine for their accomplishments.