Love & Mercy movie quotes tell two stories of the life of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, one when he was young and creating music with the group and then later when his mental health issues pushed him into intense and unconventional psychotherapy. The biographical drama was directed by Bill Pohland using a screenplay by Michael Alan Lerner, who penned the book Heroes and Villains, which was the basis of the film, and Oren Moverman. Love & Mercy opened in theaters on June 5, 2015.
In Love & Mercy, the film begins in the 1960s where a young Brian Wilson (Paul Dano) is atop the world with the Beach Boys as the leader and sound innovator of the group. Using unprecedented instruments, techniques and new sounds, he years to create the greatest album ever made in Pet Sounds but a panic attack forces him to abandon touring with the group.
Fast forward to the 1980s and an older Brian Wilson (John Cusack) is living an overmedicated and subdued life which is primarily controlled by unconventional psychotherapist Dr. Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti). So when Brian meets car salesperson Melinda Ledbetter (Elizabeth Banks) and falls in love, the struggle between Landy, who wants to keep Wilson in his care, and Ledbetter, who wants to see Brian return to music, what made him so happy in the 1960s, begins.
Love & Mercy opens alongside other great June 2015 films including Jurassic World, Entourage, Spy, and San Andreas.
Love & Mercy Movie Quotes,
I Love You
Brian (Future): I have to say to myself five times a day, 'I love you.'
Melinda Ledbetter: Does it work?
Brian (Future): I don't know. Sometimes I wish I had somebody else to say it to.
Brian explains some of his therapeutic habits, specifically that he tells himself he loves himself daily. He also remarks how he wishes he had someone to share that love with, a role Melinda might be able to fill.
I'm Going to Walk Away
Melinda Ledbetter: I do not want to be one more person who wants something from you so I'm going to walk away.
Brian (Future): Why can't I be with her, Gene?
Dr. Eugene Landy: For the same reason that you cannot be with anybody.
On the urging from Dr. Landry, Melinda breaks up with Brian. Brian does not take this news well at all.
You Need to Get Back to Your Life
Melinda Ledbetter: You need to get back to your life! You and me, we're going to walk out of here right now and everything will change.
Melinda urges Brian to break out of his funk, ditch his doctor and get back to what made his life as remarkable as it is: Music.
We'd All Sing
Brian (Future): I would listen to those harmonies. I would teach them to my brothers and we'd all sing. Listen to me. I'm going on and on. How about you, Melinda? Why don't you have a boyfriend?
Melinda Ledbetter: He broke my heart.
Brian (Future): He shouldn't have done that.
Brian explains to Melinda over drinks his role in the Beach Boys with his brothers. When it's her turn to talk, she mentions her broken heart, something Brian sees an opportunity to mend.
New Ideas, New Sounds, New Instruments
Brian (Past): You hear the new Beatles? We can't let them get ahead of us! I'm going to make the greatest album ever made. I've got all kinds of new ideas, new sounds, new instruments.
In speaking to the other members of the Beach Boys, Brian shares his vision for the future. He wants to create new music using new sounds and techniques the world has never before seen.
I Hear Voices
Dr. Eugene Landy: If you want to continue to see him, you should know. Brian is a very, very sick man.
Brian (Future): I hear voices. I was going to tell you but I didn't want to scare you away.
Melinda learns of Brian's mental health issues from Dr. Landy. Later, Brian explains what is going on to her personally.
I'm Giving You Unprecedented Access
Dr. Eugene Landy: I need you to report to me, your thoughts, your feelings, his thoughts, his feelings. I'm giving you unprecedented access.
Dr. Landy makes Melinda an offer, or rather a set of rules for her relationship with Brian. Gene wants Melinda to report to him on everything that happens so he can keep a close watch over Brian.
I'd Like to Buy a Car
Melinda Ledbetter: Excuse me? Can I help you today?
Brian (Future): I'd like to buy a car.
Dr. Eugene Landy: Hi, I'm Dr. Eugene Landy. Do you know who this man is? Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.
When Brian and Melinda meet for the first time at her auto dealership, they both sense the spark between them. Melinda, however, also gets to meet Dr. Landy, an unconventional psychotherapist and Brian's legal guardian.
He's My Legal Guardian
Brian (Future): He's my legal guardian. He's protecting me.
Melinda Ledbetter: No, he is overmedicating you.
Brian feels trapped by Dr. Landy's control as a legal guardian, but also believes that Landy will protect him. Melinda does not share this positive outlook on their relationship.
Brian Will Not Be Able to See You Anymore
Dr. Eugene Landy: Brian will not be able to see you anymore.
Melinda Ledbetter: You can't do that, Gene.
Dr. Eugene Landy: Yes, I can.
Dr. Landy explains to Melinda that she can no longer pursue a relationship with Brian. She does not accept this decision, rather believing that Brian should be able to make his own decision on the matter.