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Fences movie quotes brings the dialogue to the film about an African-American man in the 1950s who deals with race relations and the fences he puts up between himself and his family members. Denzel Washington directed the film using a screenplay by August Wilson which was adapted from Wilson's play of the same name, which Washington starred in during a 2010 revival. Fences opened to critical acclaim in theaters on December 25, 2016.
In Fences, Troy Maxson (Denzel Washington) serves as a garbage man in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the 1950s in order to support his family, including wife Rose (Viola Davis), son Cory (Jovan Adepo) and disabled brother Gabe (Mykelti Williamson). Troy loves his family but doesn't necessarily like them, rather sees them as his obligation to support. As a result, he has quite the strained relationship with his son and wife, whom he's cheating on.
So when Troy learns that son Cory is being recruited to play college football, he objects to his son thinking that he can make a career as a professional athlete. See Troy is a highly gifted baseball player who feels his race held him back from playing professionally, and feels his son would have the same experience. Troy builds a fence between him and Cory, one that makes both look at their lives and what is missing in them.
Fences is just one of several highly anticipated December 2016 movies along with the likes of Silence, Why Him?, Assassin's Creed, and A Monster Calls.
Fences Movie Quotes,
Standing in the Same Place for 18 Years
Troy: It's not easy for me to admit that I've been standing in the same place for 18 years!
Rose: Well, I've been standing with you! I been right here with you, Troy. I got a life too. I gave 18 years of my life to stand in the same spot as you! Don't you think I ever wanted other things? Don't you think I had dreams and hopes? What about my life? What about me?
Troy and Rose talk about the 18 years they've spent together with polarized opinions. Troy is ashamed that he hasn't done much in life and Rose is sour that she stood still with him while it happened.
Recruited by a College Football Team
Troy: Where Cory? I want him to help me with this fence.
Rose: He got recruited by a college football team.
Troy: It ain't gonna get him no where.
Bono: If he like you into sports, he gonna be all right. Ain't but two men ever played baseball as good as you.
Troy: And what it ever get me? I ain't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.
Lyons: He trying to fill out your shoes.
Troy: I don't want him to be like me. I want him to get as far away from my life as he possibly can get. You the only decent thing to ever happen to me, Rose.
Rose: You can't be nobody but who you are, Troy. That's all you got to measure yourself against the world out there.
When Troy learns that son Cory is being scouted by a college football team in these Fences movie quotes, he does not approve. Troy sees his own struggle with the racial barrier in professional sports as something he feels will hinder the success of his son.
Not the Marrying Kind
Troy: When I first met this woman, I saw Rose and I latched on to her. I told her, "baby, I don't want to marry. I just want to be your man." Rose told me...
Rose: I told him, if he's not the marrying kind then move out the way so the marrying kind can find me.
Troy: That's what she told me. "You're in my way. You're blocking the view. Move out the way so I can find me a husband."
Troy and Rose reflect on when they first met, roughly two decades earlier. He wasn't really up for a commitment at the time but her desire for one and his desire for her changed all that.
How Come You Ain't Never Liked Me?
Cory: Hey pa
Troy: Hmm?
Cory: Can I ask you a question? How come you ain't never liked me?
Troy: Like you? What law is there sayin' I got to like you?
Cory: None
Troy: All right then. Don't you eat every day? Answer me when I talk to you! Don't you eat every day?
Cory: Yeah
Troy: As long as you're in my house you put a "sir" on the end of it when you talk to me.
Cory: Yes, sir
Troy: You eat every day?
Cory: Yes, sir
Troy: You got a roof over you head?
Cory: Yes, sir
Troy: Got clothes on your back?
Cory: Yes, sir
Troy: Why you think that is?
Cory: Cause of you?
Troy: Hell, I know it's cause of me. But why do you think that is?
Cory: Cause you like me?
Troy: Like you? I go outta here every morning, I bust my butt cause I like you. You're about the biggest fool I ever saw. A man is supposed to take care of his family. You live in my house, fill your belly with my food, put your behind on my bed because you're my son. It's my duty to take care of you. I owe a responsibility to you. I ain't got to like you! Now, I gave everything I got to give you! I gave you your life! Me and your mama worked out between us and liking your black ass wasn't part of the bargain! Now don't you go through life worrying about whether somebody like you or not! You best be makin' sure that they're doing right by you! You understand what I'm saying?
When Cory asks his father, Troy, about if he likes him in these Fences movie quotes, Troy doesn't really give Cory the answer he wanted. Troy explains that liking him isn't important, rather making sure he is taken care of.
Everything That Boy Do
Rose: Everything that boy do, he do for you.
Rose tries to talk some sense into husband Troy about their son, Cory, in this Fences movie quote. Troy and Cory don't get along, despite Cory trying constantly to please his father.
I Got Something to Tell You
Troy: Rose, I got something to tell you. I don't know how to tell you this.
Rose: Why, Troy, why?
Troy: You ought to know. It's time.
Rose: I don't want to know, dammit.
As the two stand in the kitchen of their home, Troy tries to explain something very serious to Rose. He feels obligated to admit to her what he did, but she doesn't want to hear him.
Some People Build Fences
Bono: Some people build fences to keep people out, and other people build fences to keep people in.
Focusing on the title of the film, Bono talks about how people view the purposes of fences differently. We all make fences in life for different reasons, including to keep people in or out of our lives.
What You Ever Give Me?
Cory: What you ever give me?
Troy: Your feet, them bones, that pumping heart
Cory: You ain't never done nothing but hold me back, afraid I was going to be better than you.
Cory and Troy argue, again, in these Fences movie quotes, this time over Cory's feeling that his father never gave him anything. Cory touches on the jealousy Troy may have for his son and the fence that Troy built between them as a result.