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The Glass Castle Movie Quotes

The Glass Castle Movie Quotes

The Glass Castle movie quotes help tell the story portrayed in the film about one family who, by choice, lived in poverty as squatters. The drama movie was directed by Destin Daniel Cretton using a screenplay he, Andrew Lanham and Marti Noxon adapted from the book of the same name by Jeannette Walls and her true story of childhood. The Glass Castle opened theatrically on August 11, 2017. 

In The Glass Castle, parents Rex and Rose Mary Walls (Woody Harrelson and Naomi Watts, respectively) are raising four children, Jeannette (Brie Larson), Lori (Sarah Snook), Brian (Josh Caras) and Maureen (Brigette Lundy-Paine) in the 1960s and 1970s. But unlike other families, the Walls live as squatters in abandoned houses and frequently move around to evade debt collectors. Though Rex's alcoholism contributes to this lifestyle, Rex and Rose Mary choose this life of poverty. 

But when Jeannette gets older, she finds success in journalism in New York City and a stable lifestyle. This creates a rift between her and her parents, who, years later, still spend their days squatting. As Rex and Rose Mary feel the effects of later age, Jeannette has only a short time to address lingering resentment with her parents before it is too late.

The Glass Castle was just one of several summer 2017 movies playing in theaters including The Dark Tower, Detroit, Dunkirk, and Despicable Me 3.

The Glass Castle Movie Quotes,

We Ain't Like Other People

Rex Wells: We ain't like other people. We got fire burning in our bellies. You were born to change the world, not just add to the noise!
Jeanette Walls: Why do you think all of us ran away from you? We were drowning. 
Rex Wells: I won’t ever let anything bad happen to you, but I can’t let you cling to the side your whole life just because you’re scared. 
Jeanette Walls: It was your job to protect us.

In a series of conversations throughout various times in Jeanette's life, she battles father Rex about what she feels his role is compared to his understanding. These The Glass Castle movie quotes demonstrate a bit of the rift between father and daughter, but really only scratch the surface.

Happy Right Now

Rex Wells: Can you honestly tell me that you are happy right now?
Jeanette Walls: Yes, I am

Rex cannot believe that Jeanette is truly happy living a life so different from the one in which she was raised. But as Jeanette mentions in these The Glass Castle movie quotes, she is honestly happy.

You'll Regret It If You Don't Come Home

Rose Mary Walls: You have a right to be angry. I know you love him. You’ll regret it if you don’t home. 

Rose Mary encourages Jeanette to come home and spend some time with her father, Rex. All understand that Jeanette holds resentment towards Rex, but Rose Mary knows Jeanette will regret not seeing Rex.

This is as Real as It Gets

Rex Wells: Rich city folk live in fancy apartments, but their air is so polluted they can’t even see the stars. We’ve got to be out of our minds to trade places with any of 'em. 
Jeanette Walls: Dr. Kaylis said we should go to a real school.
Rex Wells: A real school, huh? ...  This is as real as it gets, kids! You learn from living!

Rex explains a bit about his philosophy on life in these The Glass Castle movie quotes. He's happy living as squatters with his kids not in school, despite what others seem to think.

I Am Like You

Rex Wells: You ain’t like me.
Jeanette Walls: I am like you, and I’m glad.

In a moment of calm and clarity between father and daughter, Rex and Jeanette talk about their similarities in these The Glass Castle movie quotes. Sure, Jeanette ended up in a different life than her father, but that doesn't mean they are completely opposite. 

We Choose a Different Lifestyle

David: Are you going to tell him about us?
Rose Mary Walls: You shouldn’t be ashamed of us, just because we choose a different lifestyle than you. 
Rose Mary Walls: When did you lose your sense of adventure?

In a discussion about talking to her family, Jeanette is asked by fiancé David if she plans to mention him. So when Jeanette meets with mother Rose Mary, talking about David seems unimportant compared to talking about how Jeanette has left their drifter lifestyle.

The Kids Are Tired of Moving

Rex Wells: Let's go, kids! The feds are on our tails!
Jeanette Walls: He means the bill collectors. 
Rose Mary Walls: The kids are tired of moving to a new town every time you lose a job.
Rex Wells: You know, this running around is only temporary. We just need the perfect location then we can get to work on our castle.

The childhood of Jeanette and the other Wells children are highlighted in these The Glass Castle movie quotes. The kids grew up constantly moving around due to money problems while father Rex keeps dreaming about creating a glass castle for their family home.

Running Water or Electricity

Lori Walls: This place doesn’t have any running water or electricity.
Rex Wells: Ignore her, she was born without vision.

As the Wells family moves into yet another busted up home, Lori points out that the house isn't exactly fit for habitation. Rex disagrees and sees a home without water or electricity as something with potential.

My Parents are Squatting

Jeanette Walls: My parents are squatting in an abandoned building on the Lower East Side.

Jeanette explains that while she's grown up and found professional success, her parents still choose to live in poverty. They have a place on the Lower East Side, but they happen to be squatting there.

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