"The Immigrant" tell the story of one young woman who struggles to find the American dream after immigrating from Poland. The historical drama was directed by James Gray using a screenplay he co-wrote with Ric Menello. After earning a Palme d'Or nomination at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, "The Immigrant" opened in American theaters on May 16, 2014.
In "The Immigrant," sisters Ewa (Marion Cotillard) and Magda Cybulski (Angela Sarafyan) arrive at Ellis Island in 1921 in search of a better life. They are however surprised to soon learn that they will be separated, with Magda being held in quarantine for a lung infection. Instead of being deported, Ewa begs a local man, Bruno Weiss (Joaquin Phoenix), to help her.
Ewa soon finds herself in need of money to get Magda out of quarantine, something Bruno says he can do, for a price, so she works for him, both as a dancer and as a prostitute. This isn't quite what she had in mind when coming to the United States but just when she sees her American dream fading, Ewa meets Emil (Jeremy Renner), Bruno's cousin, who strives to save her from this life.
"The Immigrant" joins theaters already packed with hits like "Million Dollar Arm," "Godzilla," "Palo Alto," "Chef," "Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return Movie Quotes," "Neighbors," "Moms' Night Out," "Devil's Knot," "Belle," "Walk of Shame," "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," "Locke," "Brick Mansions," "The Other Woman," "Transcendence," "A Haunted House 2," "Heaven is for Real," and "Draft Day"
The Immigrant Movie Quotes,
I Need to Work
Ewa Cybulski: "I need to work."
Bruno Weiss: "Well, I can take you to my place of business."
Ewa knows that she needs to find employment to take care of herself and Bruno kindly offers her the chance to join him at his business. She agrees but before learning that his business involves prostitution.
You Do Not Take Her
Bruno Weiss: "You do not take her!"
Emil: "Let me guess. You are fond of her."
Cousins Bruno and Emil argue over Ewa. While she had been prostituting for Bruno to repay him for his favors, Emil has fallen for her and wishes to rescue her from his wrath. Bruno isn't excited about that idea.
You've Got a Right to Be Happy, Ewa
Emil: "Well, I should be going."
Ewa Cybulski: "You work at Ellis Island?"
Emil: "Uh, yeah, sometimes"
Ewa Cybulski: "Are you important there?"
Emil: "Me? No. Bruno, though, he's the one with the pull."
Ewa Cybulski: "Oh"
Emil: "He got me the job there a long time ago. It's so strange. It's a lot smaller than I remember, this place."
Ewa Cybulski: "You've been here before?"
Emil: "Yeah, he's my cousin, if you can believe it. Our families came over on a boat together. We grew up here. Bruno and me used to be close but then it changed. I'm curious, how is it that you ended up working for him anyway?"
Ewa Cybulski: "He brought me here. They wanted to send me back but he made it so I could stay. My family here, they don't want me so…"
Emil: "Wow, I'm sorry about your family. Listen, I've seen a lot of girls in your situation and let me tell you. It does not matter what you do. My mother used to tell me, 'God's eye is on every sparrow.' You've got a right to be happy, Ewa, at least that's what I think."
Emil sheds some light on his relationship with cousin Bruno and his feelings on how Bruno treats Ewa. To Emil, she has the right to be happy and this refreshing attitude brings Ewa back from a sad and dark place.
I Can Get Her Off the Island
Bruno Weiss: "I can get her off the island, whether she's cured or not. I know people. It will be difficult and costly but it can be done."
When Ewa hears that Bruno has connections and can get her sister Magda released from Ellis Island, rather than sent back to Poland, she is elated. She however does not know what this favor will cost her.
Welcome to the United States of America
Immigration Official: "Welcome to the United States of America. Next. Your name please."
Ewa Cybulski: "Ewa Cybulski. She's my sister. Is something wrong?"
Immigration Official: "She has to be deported."
Ewa Cybulski: "No, we never go back!"
When Ewa and Magda arrive at Ellis Island from Poland, they are startled and scared to learn that they will now be separated and Magda will be sent back due to her illness. This is not the American dream they imagined.
Do You Have a Place to Stay?
Bruno Weiss: "You're a very lucky lady… There's room in the front. Right here. What's the matter?"
Ewa Cybulski: "I leave my sister here."
Bruno Weiss: "Don't worry. She's going to get the best medical care available."
Bruno Weiss: "Do you have a place to stay?"
Ewa Cybulski: "No. Do you know somewhere?"
Bruno Weiss: "Yeah, I know a place. If you'd like I can take you there. Yes?"
Ewa Cybulski: "Yes"
Initially, Ewa thinks that she is in good hands with Bruno. He talks about all the positives and gives her a place to stay. Unfortunately, she knows not of Bruno's true self nor does she have many other options.
Can You Help Me?
Bruno Weiss: "What about her?"
Immigration Official: "Liable to become public charge. She arrived with her sister who is quarantined for lung disease."
Bruno Weiss: "Best of luck to you."
Ewa Cybulski: "Sir, sir. Can you help me?"
Bruno Weiss: "Ma'am, you are in the exclusion line."
Ewa Cybulski: "Yes"
Bruno Weiss: "Did they explain to you what that meant?"
Ewa Cybulski: "Yes"
Bruno Weiss: "They're sending you back."
Ewa Cybulski: "No, no, no, I can work. You know this man. You talk to them."
Bruno Weiss: "You've already been processed. Their decision's been rendered. There's very little I could do."
Ewa Cybulski: "Please, please, please"
Ewa knows that she has little hope for a happy ending in America when she meets Bruno. With few other options, she begs him to help her.
The American Dream Is Waiting for You
Emil: "Don't give up the faith. Don't give up the hope. The American dream is waiting for you now!"
Emil gives a motivational speech to incoming immigrants at Ellis Island. He implores them to believe in their dreams and make them happen.