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Blood Father movie quotes provide the dialogue to the action film about a father who helps his estranged daughter run from a dangerous gang and the law. Jean-François Richet directed the movie which was adapted by Peter Craig and Andrea Berloff from the novel of the same name by Peter Craig. After premiering at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, Blood Father opened theatrically on August 26, 2016.
In Blood Father, war veteran and ex-con turned tattoo artist John Link (Mel Gibson) receives a call from daughter Lydia (Erin Moriarty), with whom he hasn't spoken for many years. Lydia explains that she's in trouble and needs money immediately. John goes on to learn that a gang is after Lydia, who is using drugs, because she killed her boyfriend, Jonah (Diego Luna).
The gang members (including Richard Cabral and Daniel Moncada) show up at John's tattoo shop looking for Lydia only to be drove away by John's friend Kirby (William H. Macy). John and Lydia flee and soon find out that Lydia is being pursued by the cops as well for the murder. As if things couldn't get worse, the gang goes on to kidnap Lydia and kill Kirby, all of which John feels he must correct in a violent and deadly manner.
These Blood Father movie quotes bring the suspense as the film opened in theaters alongside other films such as Mechanic: Resurrection, War Dogs, Kubo and the Two Strings, and Sausage Party.
Blood Father Movie Quotes,
You Stick with Me
John: People get caught when they make mistakes. You stick with me. I'll give you everything I got.
In a Blood Father movie quote primed for TV spots, John explains that they must be careful to stay safe, and vows to help daughter Lydia however she needs. Considering she's running from a dangerous gang and the authorities on a murder charge, she can use all the help she can get.
It's Good to Meet Your Friends
John: Can I help you, gentlemen?
Joker: I want a tattoo.
John: I'm not open.
Lydia: I'm so sorry.
John: It's good to meet your friends.
Kirby: You boys picked the wrong rednecks.
This Blood Father movie quote shows what happens when Joker shows up at John's tattoo shop/camping trailer looking for Lydia. As the gang members begin to smash up the windows, Kirby and other neighbors arrive and chase them away.
A Lot of People Looking for Me
Lydia: See my boyfriend, he got shot. There are a lot of people looking for me.
John: How long you been doing this? Tell me the truth.
Kirby: You found her!
John: She's coming down hard off something.
Kirby: Get her into detox.
John: I just met the girl for the first time in years. I just don't feel like handing her over to a bunch of strangers.
As John learns more about what Lydia has been into, he learns that she's on the run and has been using drugs. Friend Kirby mentions that detox is the best place for her but John doesn't want to let her go just yet.
You Could Go Home
Lydia: That warrant is for me. You could go home.
John: You got raised by three stepfathers. It should have been me.
Lydia: I'm a murderer.
John: And you'll face god for it but not yet.
Lydia urges John to go his own way while she's on the run from a gang and the authorities for killing her boyfriend, Jonah. John knows he missed too much time in her life and refuses to leave her now.
First You Need to Deal with Me
Joker: I can see you right now.
John: Which is the last streak of sunlight you're going to see. Whatever you're going to do with Lydia, first you need to deal with me.
On the phone with Joker, John spits some fierce words about what he plans to do. John wants to get daughter Lydia back and is willing to take down whoever stands in his way to do that.
I Need Cash Fast
John: This is Link Tattoo
Lydia: Dad?
John: I'm here.
Lydia: I need cash fast cause I am dead.
John: Just stay put until I get there.
In the scene that sets the stage for the rest of the film, this Blood Father movie quote shows the phone call from Lydia to estranged father John. She's in trouble and needs money. Luckily, he's ready to help.
I Killed Him
John: I've got no idea how you piss guys like that off. What do they want from you?
Lydia: They worked for my boyfriend... I killed him.
Lydia admits just why gang members are after her in this Blood Father movie quote. While she mentioned previously that her boyfriend died, now she admits that she killed him.