God's Not Dead 2 tell the story of one public school teacher who heads to court to defend her religious beliefs. The Christian drama, which is a sequel to the 2014 God's Not Dead, was written by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon. Harold Cronk directed God's Not Dead 2, which opened in theaters on April 1, 2016.
In God's Not Dead 2, high school teacher Grace Wesley (Melissa Joan Hart) is asked a question about Jesus in relation to kindness one day during class. As a devout Christian, Grace answers the question in a manner that she believes is honest and direct answer. However, because she cited scripture in her answer, school officials (including Robin Givens, Jon Lindstrom and Natalie Canerday) disagree after a parent complains.
While Grace and her attorney Tom Endler (Jesse Metcalfe) are offered a deal that would bar Grace from teaching again, the pair decide to take the issue to court. There, Tom fights for Grace's religious freedom in front of a judge (Ernie Hudson) and a fierce prosecuting attorney (Ray Wise). With strong voices on both side of the argument, Tom feels that perhaps the only way of winning this case is to prove once and for all that Jesus actually existed.
God's Not Dead 2 is just one of several movies in theaters to being April 2016 alongside Everybody Wants Some!!, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, 10 Cloverfield Lane.
God's Not Dead 2 Movie Quotes,
I Would Rather Stand With God
Grace Wesley: I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God.
Grace makes no apology for what she did, citing her desire to stand with God regardless of what anyone else thinks. While this is respectable, if she did break the law in the process, she might have to deal with the consequences.
Faith Isn't on Trial Here
Tom Endler: Mr. Kane will insist faith isn't on trial here. But that is exactly what is on trial.
Pete Kane: If we grant Miss Wesley the right to violate the law, then our society will crumble.
Opposing attorneys give their best case to the judge and jury. Tom alleges that Grace's faith is on trial while Pete reminds everyone that no one, Grace included, is above the law.
Your Answer Incorporated Scripture
Tom Endler: You're passionate about what you believe, and, let's face it, it's why you're in trouble in the first place.
Jim Powell: A student asked a question about remarks allegedly made by Jesus and your answer incorporated scripture itself.
Grace Wesley: Yes
Mrs. Rizzo: What were you thinking, Grace?
Grace Wesley: I gave an honest answer to a student's legitimate question. I am not going to be afraid to say the name Jesus.
After an incident during her class, Grace meets with her attorney, Tom Endler, and her public school officials. As is explained, Grace used scripture in class, something she doesn't deny or apologize for, but is now in big trouble.
We're At War
Reverend Dave: The message of the gospel has us standing in the way of a lot of things powerful people want. We're at war.
Reverend Dave discusses the struggles the church deals with on a day to day basis. The government and others in power, he says, is at war with them.
An Opportunity to Preach
Pete Kane: Her true motivation was to take an innocent question into an opportunity to preach.
In a statement during the trial, Pete Kane alleges that Grace wanted to preach to her students and when a girl asked about Jesus, Grace capitalized on that opportunity. He paints Grace as a crazy religious freak, which definitely helps his case.
I Don't Like to Lose
Tom Endler: They're asking that you be fired plus revocation of your teaching certificate. You're on your own.
Grace Wesley: So what's the good news?
Tom Endler: I don't like to lose.
Attorney Tom Endler explains the position Grace is in to her. The school wants her fired and stripped of her teaching license but he is ready to fight for her.
We're Going to Prove Once and For All
Pete Kane: hate what people like your client stand for. We are going to prove once and for all that God is dead.
Pete Kane doesn't hesitate to share his feelings about the opposing client, Grace Wesley. Pete is sure that God is dead and detests those, like Grace, who feel differently.
Looking to Prove Jesus Christ Existed
Pete Kane: You're looking to prove Jesus Christ existed? That's ridiculous.
In a sidebar with the judge, Pete thinks it's crazy that Tom plans to prove that Jesus exists. To Pete, that's impossible to prove, especially by someone like Tom.
Persecution Tomorrow
Reverend Dave: If we sit by and do nothing, the pressure that we're feeling today will mean persecution tomorrow.
In discussing the struggles they deal with as people of faith, Reverend Dave explains that they need to act. He urges others to fight the pressure that's coming at them today for fear that they will lose their right to believe tomorrow.
Somebody is Always Going to Be Offended
Tom Endler: If we're going to insist that a Christian's right to believe is subordinate to all the rights, then it's not a right! Somebody is always going to be offended.
Judge Stennis: Mr. Endler, you are out of order, I charge you with contempt!
Tom Endler: I accept the charges!
Tom mouths off to the judge and is threatened with contempt charges for his outburst. He's willing to accept the charges, however, as he believes in the point he's trying to make.