Miracles From Heaven movie quotes were adapted from the memoir of the same name about one little girl's illness which is miraculously cured. The Christian drama was directed by Patricia Riggen using a screenplay Randy Brown adapted from the book by Christy Beam. Miracles From Heaven opened in theaters on March 16, 2016.
In Miracles From Heaven, the Beam family, including mother Christy (Jennifer Garner), father Kevin (Martin Henderson) and daughters Anna (Kylie Rogers), Abbie (Brighton Sharbino) and Adelynn (Courtner Fansler) live a joyous life together. This all changes, however, when Anna begins complaining of stomach pain. The Beams see numerous doctors, all of which either offer conflicting diagnoses or none at all. It's finally when they head to see Dr. Nurko (Eugenio Derbez) at Boston Children's Hospital do they learn a firm diagnosis.
Despite their prayers, Anna continues to suffer from the disease, for which there is no immediate cure. So when Anna is involved in a 30-foot fall from a tree and hits her head, the family calls it a miracle that not only was she not killed or paralyzed, but the fall seems to have cured her stomach ailment. It's the miracle they needed, not that anyone, doctors included, can explain it.
Miracles From Heaven had stiff competition when it opened in theaters alongside the likes of The Brothers Grimsby, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Eye in the Sky, and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Miracles from Heaven Movie Quotes,
Well That's Impossible
Christy: So you're telling me that when this baby girl fell 30 feet, she hit her head just right and it didn't kill her and it didn't paralyze her. It healed her.
Dr. Nurko: Yes
Christy: Well that's impossible.
When Anna falls 30 feet from a tree and winds up healthier as a result, Anna cannot believe it. Dr. Nurko can't believe it either but he's sure that Anna has found her impossible cure.
No Cure for Anna's Condition
Dr. Nurko: Unfortunately the tests confirm that she is very ill. There is currently no cure for Anna's condition.
Christy: Doctor, please, this is our little girl.
While Dr. Nurko does offer Christy and the Beam family a clear diagnosis to Anna's illness, he does not offer them a cure. Unfortunately, this ailment is not yet curable, much to their sadness.
Everything is Not Fine
Doctor 1: I think your daughter is lactose intolerant.
Doctor 2: Acid reflux
Doctor 3: Everything looks okay.
Dr. Blythe: Everything's fine.
Christy: Everything is not fine. There's something wrong with our little girl.
Dr. Blythe: Mrs. Beam, you need to calm down.
Christy: I'm not leaving this hospital until I know what's wrong with my daughter!
The Beam family gets a number of conflicting opinions from various doctors about what can be ailing daughter Anna. In frustration, Christy takes a stand and demands a clear, accurate diagnosis once and for all.
Mommy, It Hurts
Anna: Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!
Christy: I'm coming!
Anna: Mommy, it hurts!
Christy: Oh, no, baby.
Christy: When Anna got sick, I just couldn't understand it. Why was this loving little girl going through this?
When Anna calls out in pain in the middle of the night, mother Christy cannot understand how a girl who is so loving can be burdened with this sickness.
We Need a Solution
Christy: We're not giving up... We need a solution and we need it now!
Kevin: And we'll get it.
Christy: How?
Kevin: By not losing our faith
Christy: Free her from this. Can you even hear me?
Kevin urges wife Christy to continue to pray for a cure for daughter Anna. Christy does pray, but wonders if God can hear her as he's not yet answered her call.
He Told Me I'd Be Fine
Anna: He told me I'd be fine.
Christy: Who told you, you'd be fine?
When Anna mentions that someone told her that she would be fine, Christy is curious who that mysterious him is. Since this is a Christian movie, we can guess it's the big guy talking to Anna.
You Either Roll With It
Angela: You either roll with it or you get rolled on. You get rolled on, you get flat.
Angela, a waitress in a local restaurant, offers Christy and Anna some friendly advice. She urges them to not let others get them down, to roll with what life hands them.
It's a Good Life
Christy: Today let's do Benjamin Franklin. An investment in knowledge pays the best...
Girls: Interest!
Christy: Okay, listen to your teachers!
Anna: Love you!
Christy: Love you!
Kevin: It's a good life! It's a good life!
Christy: It's a good life!
With two parents and three happy, healthy daughters, the Beam family has a happy life. Everything seems just about perfect, that is until tragedy strikes them.