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The 35+ Best Drama Movies About Survival

The 35+ Best Drama Movies About Survival

Whether facing the apocalypse, zombies, or a vast open ocean, characters in the best survival drama movies all share an undying fight for life. The top survival films push lone characters to the limits as they face unimaginable threats. This is a list of great drama films about survival featuring everything from Life of Pi to The Road to Gladiator.

What films will you find on this list of the best survival dramas? Maybe you would vote the modern classic Life of Pi to the top. This Oscar-winning tale was as much a feast for the eyes as it was a thrilling story of survival. Cast Away, starring Tom Hanks, is another good survival movie featuring one man, a lot of water, and an unlikely friend. Based on the real-life experiences of Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell, Lone Survivor is a gripping tale of war and the brotherhood of soldiers. Other exciting and sad films featured on this top survival movies list include 127 Hours, Gravity, and The Road.

Which survival movie do you think deserves the top spot on this list? Give your favorites a thumbs up and get in on the conversation in the comments section.

The 35+ Best Drama Movies About Survival,

The Road

Cast Away


Into the Wild

The Pianist

127 Hours

Life of Pi



The Revenant

McFarland, USA Movie Quotes

McFarland, USA Movie Quotes
McFarland, USA movie quotes tell the true story of the 1987 McFarland High School cross country team. The sports drama was written by Christopher Cleveland, Bettina Gilois and Grant Thompson. Directed by Niki Caro, McFarland, USA opened in theaters on February 20, 2015.

In McFarland, USA, Jim White (Kevin Costner) takes a job as the physical education teacher at a predominantly Latino high school in McFarland, California. While he struggles with racial barriers which prevent him from truly connecting with the students, he does notice that they have a remarkable work ethic, going from school to working in the fields to running home, and an astounding athletic ability to run, which gives him an idea.

Coach White starts the school's first cross country running team and trains them for the state championship. While they have no experience and little funding, especially in comparison to nearby affluent schools, they do have the drive and the motivation to work hard for their goals, which might be better than winning all together.

Maria Bello, Morgan Saylor and Carlos Pratts co-star in the film which opens alongside other February 2015 movies such as Hot Tub Time Machine 2, The DUFF, Kingsmen: The Secret Service, and Fifty Shades of Grey.
McFarland, USA Movie Quotes,

You Guys Are Super Human
Jim White: "I'll be honest with you. The odds are stacked against us. You guys are super human. There's nothing you can't do with that kind of strength, with that kind of heart."

Before a competition, Coach White gives the runners a pep talk. He knows they are the underdogs but urges them to not let that bother them.
I'd Like to Ask Your Father Something
Jim White: "Can I give you a hand with those tubs. I'm saying, can I help you out?"
Señor Diaz: "No, gracias"
Jim White: "David, I'd like you to ask your father something for me."
David: "Yeah"
Jim White: "You know what, just tell him, just tell him it was an honor to be invited into his home."
David: "Dad, he said it was an honor to be invited into your home."
Señor Diaz: "Tell him I say thanks."
Jim White: "I'm sorry, I thought you..."
Señor Diaz: "I get by."
Jim White: "Thank you for your hospitality."

Coach White mistakenly thinks that Señor Diaz doesn't speak English and asks David to translate. David does just that.
You're My Anchor
Victor Puentes: "Danny Diaz?"
David Diaz: "Hey, we needed seven."
Victor Puentes: "Yeah, seven runners, not six runners and Danny Diaz."
Jim White: "Hey, Danny's our anchor."
Victor Puentes: "Yeah, and he'll drag our ass down."
Jim White: "All right, knock it off, Puentes. Let's see if those legs work as fast as your mouth. Elmo Bridge and back, go! Go!"
Jim White: "Hey, I mean it. You're my anchor, Danny, and not because you're fat. You are a little fat, okay, so you better lose some weight."
Danny: "So, why am I running?"
Jim White: "Cause you're going to hold this team straight. If I lose you, I'll lose your brothers. You're important, Diaz. Let's go."

Coach White explains to Danny his very important part on the team. Danny might not be the fastest runner in the bunch, but he is the glue that holds the team together, which is equally as vital.
Lowest Score Wins
Jim White: "Okay, here we go. Remember, scoring's based on your individual places, all right. You finish first, that's a one. Second that's a two and so on. The team with the lowest combined score for their top five runners wins."
David: "So the lowest score wins?"
Jim White: "That's right. It's like golf."
Victor Puentes: "You think we play golf?"
Thomas: "We don't got a country club. We don't even got a Kmart."
Sammy: "I bet he plays golf."
Danny: "Hold on, my score don't count? Why am I even here?"
Sammy: "To make us look faster."
Jim White: "All right, look, just try to remember, lowest score wins. You get ahead of any of their top five guys, that adds points to their total, even you, Danny. Got it? It doesn't matter. Let's go show them how it's done."

Coach White tries to use a golf analogy to get the team members to understand how cross country scoring works. Unfortunately, they don't golf to get the reference but in the end, they understand how it works.
Cross Country Running
Jim White: "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Principal Camillo: "Yeah"
Jim White: "You mind if I shut the door?"
Principal Camillo: "This requires a shut door?"
Jim White: "Cross country running, California's holding their first state championship this year."
Principal Camillo: "Cross country, that's a private school sport. They breathe different air than we do."
Jim White: "Come on, it's the same air."
Principal Camillo: "You do understand we don't have a cross country team?"
Jim White: "Yeah, what I don't understand is why we have a football team instead. I mean, we have, we have kids here who seem like they can run forever. They carboload on rice and beans. They pick in extreme heat. They go to school all day. Some of them even run home. I've seen it. It's unbelievable."
Principal Camillo: "Yeah, and you've just described half the kids in the central valley. Jim, let me ask you something. You've coached cross country before?"
Jim White: "No"
Principal Camillo: "Track?"
Jim White: "No"
Principal Camillo: "But you ran, competed in high school maybe?"
Jim White: "No"
Principal Camillo: "Well, you sound perfect."

Coach White approaches the school principal to propose creating a cross country team. While Jim has no experience with the sport and the sport really isn't suited for their student body affluence, the principal gives him the go ahead anyway.
Nothing American Dream About This Place
Thomas: "No one stays in McFarland unless they have to. There ain't nothing American dream about this place."

Thomas breaks things down for Coach White. The town of McFarland isn't what they dreamt about when they thought about America and no one stays there by choice for this very reason.
Run a Lap
Jim White: "I'm Coach White, the new PE teacher. Diaz... Diaz... Diaz... Popular name where you guys come from?"
Victor Puentes: "White, that a popular name where you come from?"
Jim White: "All right, run a lap. Go!"

Coach White tries to make a joke during his first day of class, a joke that is handed right back to him. This exercise, however, allows him to see that these students have an athletic ability to run, one he might be able to put to use.
Welcome to McFarland
Lupe: "Welcome to McFarland. This is a farming town. These kids working here are invisible. They come from the fields and they go back to the fields. These are good kids, smart kids. They just need a chance at a better future. Mr. White, if we're going to reach them, now is the time."

Jim White is introduced to the school at which he will be teaching by a fellow educator. She explains how these students may be a little different than those he's taught before but they are not without merit or potential.
Fourth Place
Cheryl White: "Fourth place, that's not too shabby."
Jim White: "Fourth out of four, also known as last."

Wife Cheryl tries to reassure Jim that their fourth place finish is not that bad considering they are a brand new team. Jim, however, reminds her that when you place fourth out of four, that's the same as last place.
Food Off Our Table
Señor Diaz: "Mr. White, each hour that my boys train with you, they do not work with me. That's food off our table."

Not everyone in town supports the idea of the cross country team, Señor Diaz included. As Mr. Diaz explains, time spent away from the fields affects their family's income, which is something to consider.

A Walk Among the Tombstones Movie Quotes

A Walk Among the Tombstones Movie Quotes
"A Walk Among the Tombstones" movie quotes follow the clues when a former cop opens an investigation into a string of kidnappings and murders. The crime drama was directed by and adapted into a screenplay by Scott Frank from a novel of the same name by Lawrence Block. "A Walk Among the Tombstones" opened in the United States on September 19, 2014.

In "A Walk Among the Tombstones," former NYPD officer and current unlicensed private detective Matthew Scudder (Liam Neeson) is contacted by Kenny Kristo (Dan Stevens), a heroin dealer about an investigation Kenny needs. As Kenny explains, his wife was kidnapped and despite paying the requested ransom, those behind the crime still murdered the wife.

Matthew takes on the case and soon learns that this was no random occurrence. Those responsible for the crimes selected Kenny's wife after studying and following her and planning every little detail. Not only that, but they most assuredly have committed the same crime before and will definitely do it again, putting Matthew in a tense game of cat and mouse with the suspects.

"A Walk Among the Tombstones" hits theaters already full with other great films including "This is Where I Leave You," "The Maze Runner," "Dolphin Tale 2," "No Good Deed," "The Skeleton Twins," "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby," "The Drop," "The Identical," "Frontera," "The Longest Week," "The November Man," "The Congress," "Life of Crime," "Starred Up," "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For," "If I Stay," "When the Game Stands Tall," "Are You Here," "The Expendables 3," "Let's Be Cops."
A Walk Among the Tombstones Movie Quotes,

The Other Two
Loogan: "I never laid a hand on her. The other two, they're the ones you gotta worry about. They were obsessed. These guys are monsters. They are not human."
Matthew Scudder: "How can I find them?"
Loogan: "They'll kill me if I spoke to you."

Matthew encounters evidence of the kidnapping ring as well as a potential suspect, Loogan. Loogan, however, denies any wrongdoing and points the finger at others before jumping to his death.
They're Going to Do This Again
Matthew Scudder: "Whoever it was who took your wife, didn't just pick your name out of a hat. They'd been following her, know her schedule. They've done this before and they're going to do this again."

Matthew has some insight into Kenny's wife's kidnapping to share with Kenny. This was no random crime. This was highly planned and will definitely happen again.
Why Aren't You a Cop No More?
Matthew Scudder: "I was off duty one day in this bar in Washington Heights. The cops didn't have to pay for their drinks. A couple of guys came in to rob the place. I chased them into the street, shot two dead and a third one in the leg."
TJ: "Why aren't you a cop no more?"
Matthew Scudder: "You see, one shot, well, the bullet took a bad hop."

Matthew explains to his young friend how his career as a NYPD officer ended. He meant well when he took on some robbers but there were disastrous results.
Why Aren't You Afraid?
Kidnapper: "Why aren't you afraid?"
Matthew Scudder: "Maybe I don't care if you shoot me or maybe there's a rifle pointed at your head."

The kidnapper is surprised that Matthew isn't intimidated by the situation. Matthew responds, but only spreads more badassery in the process.
A New Player in the Game
Kidnapper: "I understand we have a new player in the game."
Matthew Scudder: "Let her go or you'll to be looking behind you for the rest of your worthless life."

Matthew receives a call from a kidnapping suspect. He has some choice words for this criminal and does not back down.
Someone's Kidnapped My Wife
Kenny Kristo: "I see you're a private detective."
Matthew Scudder: "Unlicensed, I do favors for people and in return, they give me gifts. So, what can I do for you?"
Kenny Kristo: "Someone's kidnapped my wife. I paid them but they killed her anyway. I want you to find the men who did this and bring them to me."

Matthew introduces himself to Kenny while Kenny explains why he's called Matthew in. Kenny's wife was kidnapped and murdered, and now Kenny wants to get even.

True Story Movie Quotes

True Story Movie Quotes
True Story movie quotes tell the real life story of one man accused of murdering his family who takes the identity of a journalist and enlists the journalists help to clear his name. The drama was adapted by David Kajganich from the memoir by Michael Finkel. Rupert Gould directed the film which opened in theaters on April 17, 2015.

In True Story, New York Times journalist Michael Finkel (Jonah Hill) learns that he's being fired from the publication after fabricating facts for a cover story. While his lady friend Jill (Felicity Jones) is relieved that he's done with the Times, Michael still has an urge to do serious reporting, which comes in handy when he receives a strange phone call.

Michael learns that Christian Longo (James Franco), a man suspected of murdering his wife and three children, claimed to be Michael when he was arrested for the slayings. Michael yearns to learn more about the man and visits him in prison. Christian explains that he will tell Michael, and Michael only, the truth, which leads Michael to feel Christian is innocent. As the investigation continues, Michael treads a fine line between the truth and what might be an elaborate scam Christian is conducting.

True Story opens in theaters alongside a bunch of other great films including Ex Machina, The Longest Ride, Furious 7, Cut Bank and Get Hard.
True Story Movie Quotes,

An Exceptionally Dangerous Man
Sheriff: I believe we're dealing with an exceptionally dangerous man.

A sheriff in charge of the Christian Longo case warns Michael just how dangerous Christian is. Despite the gruesome charges against Christian, Michael seems determined to remain on Christian's side.
Hoped That We Could Be Friends Too
Jill: Hello?
Christian Longo: Jill, hey, hello, nice to meet you.
Jill: Chris?
Christian Longo: You know, Mike, he's been a real friend to me. I just hoped that we could be friends too.

Jill receives an unexpected call from Christian. The conversation is creepy, to say the least, and startles Jill.
Not the Man I Wanted to Be
Michael Finkel: You're an outcast.
Christian Longo: That's not the man I wanted to be.
Michael Finkel: None of us is the man he wants to be.

Michael tries to get into what really happened with the murders of Christian's wife and three children by questioning Christian. Christian isn't exactly forthcoming about the truth, despite his vows to tell Michael what really happened.
Who Do You Have to Protect?
Michael Finkel: Who? Who do you have to protect?
Christian Longo: I can't say.
Michael Finkel: My whole reputation's on the line!
Christian Longo: Don't give up on me!
Michael Finkel: Chris, did you do what you're accused of doing?

When Christian is close to naming who he claims is truly responsible for the murders of Christian's family, he refuses. This makes Michael a bit angry, especially as he's put his career on the line to help this accused murderer.
He Used You
Cheryl: You had a choice of so many stories to tell and you chose his.
Michael Finkel: Actually, he picked me.
Cheryl: He didn't pick you. He used you.

Cheryl confronts Michael about the work Michael is doing to help Christian. She remarks that Christian is only manipulating Michael, but Michael is clueless about the big picture.
Once in a Lifetime Story
Michael Finkel: This is a once in a lifetime story. Don't you see this as a second chance?

In speaking with Jill, Michael is relentless in his pursuit of the Christian Longo story, seeing it as a way to get back into serious journalism. Jill, on the other hand, is not so sure.
So Why Me?
Michael Finkel: So, why me?
Christian Longo: I've followed your whole career. I guess I felt like I knew you. I want to tell you my side of this, only you. Maybe at this point it doesn't matter.
Michael Finkel: The truth always matters.
Christian Longo: It always seems to matter to you.

Chris explains why he chose Michael as the person he claimed to be when he was arrested. As Chris mentions, Michael felt familiar but perhaps there is more to this story.
First Impressions
Michael Finkel: Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Longo.
Christian Longo: Call me Chris.
Michael Finkel: Nice to meet you, Chris.
Christian Longo: Yeah, nice to meet you too. What are you writing?
Michael Finkel: Sorry, it's a habit.
Christian Longo: First impressions?
Michael Finkel: Yes, first impressions.
Christian Longo: What'd you put down?
Michael Finkel: Brown eyes
Christian Longo: That's not very remarkable. I'm sure 70% of the world has brown eyes.
Michael Finkel: I guess so. I don't.
Christian Longo: You know, there's a mathematical technique to determine how ordinary a person you are, not just your looks but your whole life.
Michael Finkel: Really?
Christian Longo: By my calculations, I'd say I'm pretty ordinary. I've been decent, regular for 92.88% of the time, but you couldn't tell that from reading the papers.

In their first meeting, Michael and Chris make small talk about what it means to be ordinary or remarkable. By most counts, Christian is quite ordinary, but does have that accusation of murdering his whole family against him.
He Said He Was Mike Finkel
Michael Finkel: Hello?
Reporter: Hi, my name is Pat Fredo. I'm a reporter with the Oregonian. I'm sure you're buried in all this right now but I wanted to get your side on the Christian Longo story.
Michael Finkel: Who?
Reporter: Christian Longo, the child killer, he murdered his entire family out here in Newport. You must know about him. They finally took him down in Cancun last week. You hadn't heard?
Michael Finkel: No. Why are you telling me this?
Reporter: Because when they apprehended him, he said he was Mike Finkel of the New York Times... Hello? Hello? Mr. Finkel? Hello?
Michael Finkel: Hold on one second.
Michael Finkel: Did he say anything at all about why he claimed to be me?
Reporter: I hoped you might be able to tell me that. He was just a regular guy, an intelligent, sane man. He comes home one night and kills his wife and kids. It makes no sense.

Michael receives a startling call from a fellow reporter explaining his connection to a horrible mass murder. While he's disturbed by the connection, Michael is intrigued to learn more about the case and does just that.
It's Over With the Times
Michael Finkel: This article was about saving young people's lives. You said write it up.
Karen: I said write it up, not make it up.
Michael Finkel: I did the best with what I had.
Marcus: You have a future ahead of you, Mike, but not here.
Jill: You know, to be honest, I'm relieved it's over with the Times. You turned into a real prick working for them.

When meeting with his bosses at the New York Times, Michael learns that due to some stretching of the truth on a cover story, he's being let go. While this is a blow to his career, partner Jill is relieved that this chapter of his life is over.

The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Movie Quotes

The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Movie Quotes
"The Angriest Man in Brooklyn" movie quotes follow one man who tries to right all the wrongs he did in life in a span of 90 minutes. The comedy-drama, which is a remake of a 1997 Israeli film titled "The 92 Minutes of Mr. Baum," was written by Assi Dayan and Daniel Taplitz. Directed by Phil Alden Robinson, "The Angriest Man in Brooklyn" opened on May 23, 2014.

In "The Angriest Man in Brooklyn," the title character of Henry Altmann (Robin Williams) is perpetually angry at the world and everything in it. Dr. Sharon Gill (Mila Kunis) is also angry, but only briefly after an unfortunate morning. So after Henry is in a car crash and the two meet in a hospital, their chance encounter changes Henry's life forever.

See Dr. Gill found that Henry had a brain aneurysm and in a moment of anger, falsely tells Henry that he has just 90 minutes to live. This sends Henry on a journey to reconcile with his wife (Melissa Leo), brother (Peter Dinklage), son (Hamish Linklater) and friends (including Richard Kind). But when Sharon wants to come clean and help save Henry's life, finding him, admitting what she did and keeping him calm enough not to hurt that aneurysm, is not going to be easy.

"The Angriest Man in Brooklyn" has steep competition at the box office including from films such as "Blended," "X-Men: Days of Future Past," "The Immigrant," "Million Dollar Arm," "Godzilla," "Palo Alto," "Chef," "Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return Movie Quotes," "Neighbors," "Moms' Night Out," "Devil's Knot," "Belle," "Walk of Shame," "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," "Locke," "Brick Mansions," "The Other Woman," "Transcendence," "A Haunted House 2," "Heaven is for Real," and "Draft Day"
The Angriest Man in Brooklyn Movie Quotes,

I Wish You Were Dead!
Bette Altmannn: "I wish you were dead!"
Henry Altmannn: "Well, it's your lucky day!"

Bette screams that she wishes death upon Henry. Any other day that would be a somewhat meaningless comment but today, that's nearly a guarantee.
Where Are the Rest?
Bix: "Henry! Henry!"
Henry Altmannn: "Where are the rest?"
Bix: "Hey, I'm here!"

Henry Altmannn: "I'm dying."
Bix: "How long they give you?"
Henry Altmannn: "Hour and a half"
Bix: "Oh, buddy, that sucks!"

Of the 25 people Henry invites to his part, just one, Bix, shows up. Henry has the chance to reconcile with Bix, though it's far short of his target number.
We Have to Have Sex
Bette Altmannn: "Henry, what's going on?"
Henry Altmannn: "We have to have sex, immediately! I don't have a lot of time."
Bette Altmannn: "We are not having sex."

With 90 minutes left to live, Henry has one thing on his mind: Sex. Too bad his wife Bette is not interested.
How Hard Is It to Tell Someone You Love Them?
Henry Altmannn: "How hard is it to tell someone you love them?"

Henry reflects on his 90 minutes trying to tell his loved ones that he cares. As hard as he finds it now, he can't help but wonder if he had done this sooner, he wouldn't be in this situation.
Things He Hated
Henry Altmann: "As Henry Altmann waited in traffic, he mentally added subwoofers and small cars to things he hated. On his short list was also dog crap, car alarms, flyers for cheap haircuts, double baby strollers, hamsters, pigeons, men's cologne, greeting cards, flip flops and god."

Henry Altmann narrates his own life including an extensive listing of things that he dislikes. The title about him being the angriest man isn't just for show. He really hates everything.
Reconciliation, in Ninety Minutes?
Aaron Altmannn: "Reconciliation, in ninety minutes? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

When Henry explains to his brother Aaron that he is attempting to reconcile with all who he's wronged in his life in the span of 90 minutes, Aaron points out just how insane, and possibly life threatening in itself, that plan is. Henry however sees no other option.
Because Your Cat Jumped Out of a Window?
Henry Altmannn: "You told me I was going to die in ninety minutes, because your cat jumped out of a window?"

Henry, angry as always, is not amused when Sharon admits that his dying in 30 minutes thing was not true. Her reasoning for such an act is equally as displeasing.
And You've Met My Brother?
Dr. Sharon Gill: "The important thing is, we find your brother and get him admitted to a hospital immediately. Make sure he remains calm, nothing that raises his blood pressure."
Aaron Altmannn: "Like?"
Dr. Sharon Gill: "Anger"
Aaron Altmannn: "And you've met my brother?"

Dr. Gill, feeling bad about what she did, finds Henry's brother with the hopes that he can lead her to Henry so she can come clean about her lie. But in order to truly safe Henry's life, he must stay calm, which is far from him at all.
I Want a Get Together
Henry Altmannn: "I want a get together. I sent you an email with a complete list."
Jane: "25 people, you know that's insane?"
Henry Altmannn: "Get it done!"

Thinking he can wipe out 25 birds with one stone, Henry plans a get together with all of his friends. With such short notice, plus the fact that Henry's not well liked, this plan might not be the best.
Give Me a Number!
Henry Altmann: "What the hell? I've been waiting here for over two hours. You don't care, do you?"
Dr. Sharon Gill: "The results showed a brain aneurysm."
Henry Altmann: "How long do I have?"
Dr. Sharon Gill: "I don't know."
Henry Altmann: "How long?"
Dr. Sharon Gill: "I don't know!"
Henry Altmann: "How long? Give me a number! A number, a number, I'm not leaving here until I get a number."
Dr. Sharon Gill: "90"
Henry Altmann: "90 what?"
Dr. Sharon Gill: "minutes"

Henry Altmannn: "What should I be doing?"

When a car crash lands Henry in the hospital in front of a doctor who had an equally bad day, he learns that he has a brain aneurism. So when Henry pushes Dr. Sharon Gill to give him an exact time he has left, she makes a hasty decision to lie. While not a good idea, her choice leaves Henry with a different outlook on life.

Hitchcock Movie Quotes

Hitchcock Movie Quotes
"Hitchcock" movie quotes tell the real life story of Sir Alfred Hitchcock as he made one of the best films of all time, "Psycho." The biographical drama film, directed by Sacha Gervasi, was written by John J. McLaughlin based on the non-fiction book Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho. "Hitchcock" was given a release date of November 23, 2012.

In "Hitchcock," viewers are introduced to an aging Alfred Hitchcock (Anthony Hopkins) in the late 1950s. Hitchcock is at what seems to be the pinnacle of his career having just released a series of hit films. Yet, he feels that he work is not yet complete and at the age of 60 seeks out that next big thing. Hitchcock stumbles upon the novel Psycho and is drawn to the boundary-crossing graphic detail the book brings. Hence, Hitchcock selects "Psycho" to be his next film with none other than Janet Leigh (Scarlett Johansson) as the movie's leading lady.

Despite Hitchcock seeing the potential in the story, loosely based on Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein, he's met with a fair amount of resistance during the production and release stages of development. This not only stresses out Hitchcock but also his wife and partner in film, Alma Reville (Helen Mirren). As the two struggle to produce "Psycho," they are reminded of their shared passion for filmmaking, one pillar of their love for one another.

Hitchcock is just one of many fall 2012 movies which are likely to receive a good look come Oscar time. Other favorites include "Skyfall," "Lincoln," "Flight," "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2," "Anna Karenina," "This Must Be the Place," "Cloud Atlas," "Wreck-It Ralph," "Nobody Walks," "The Sessions," "Silent Hill: Revelation 3D," "Chasing Mavericks," "Alex Cross," "Smashed," "Sinister," "Seven Psychopaths," "Argo," and "Looper."
Hitchcock Movie Quotes,

Why This One, Hitch?
Alfred Hitchcock: "Well you better enjoy the pool, my dear, while you can. We might not have it much longer."
Alma Reville: "Why?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Paramount refuses to finance the movie."
Alma Reville: "Oh Hitch, I'm so sorry."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Lew can't find the money, at least not fast enough."
Alma Reville: "Well why not wait?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "No, just going to have to go into loan, finance it ourselves."
Alma Reville: "Well, are we going to have to sell the whole house or just the pool?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "I just want to do the film."
Alma Reville: "I'll ask you this once and I'll never mention it again. Why this one, Hitch? It's just not because so many people are saying no, is it?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Do you remember the fun we had when we started out all those years ago? We didn't have any money then, did we? We didn't have and time either but we took risks. Do you remember? We experimented. We invented new ways for making pictures because we had to. I just want to feel that kind of freedom again. Like we used to, you know?"

To go as far as to mortgage a home to create a movie, Alfred Hitchcock must feel really strongly about this one. That motive is the topic of discussion of him and his wife Alma as he recounts the fun they had making movies together many years earlier.
Full Support
Alfred Hitchcock: "I'm under extraordinary pressures on this picture and the least you could do is give me your full support."
Alma Reville: "We've mortgaged our house! I celebrate with you when the reviews are good. I cry for you when they are bad and I put up with those people who look through me as if I were invisible because all they can see is the great and glorious genius Alfred Hitchcock."

When the going gets tough during the creation of "Psycho," Alfred seeks support from and explodes on wife Alma. She gives it right back though reminding him of all she does despite receiving little if anything in return.
Shooting the Shower Scene
Janet Leigh: "I do have a concern or two. Well, I'm an actress of course but I'm first a wife and a mother and I'm just curious to know, um, how are you going to shoot this shower scene?"
Alma Reville: "Yes, you and the Sherlock office."
Janet Leigh: "It's only that, well from here up, I'm not exactly boyish."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Allow me to set your mind at rest, my dear. I will be shooting short bits of film from various angles, cut together the montage, will only suggest nudity, suggest violence. Nothing will actually be shown. But of course having you in the shower will make it all that more titillating."
Alma Reville: "Will you excuse me?"

Prior to starting production on "Psycho," Alfred Hitchcock and wife Alma meet with leading lady Janet Leigh over dinner. As a mother, Janet has concerns over how the shower scene will be shown, something which Alfred assures her will only be an illusion. Not an illusion: Alma's destain for Alfred's appreciation of Janet.
Bloody Hell!
Alfred Hitchcock: "All of us harbor dark recesses of violence and horror. Fascinating, isn't it? When the Wisconsin Police Department raided Mr. Gein's farm, they opened the door and viola, they discovered 10 female heads with the tops sawed off. Pass this around would you and have a look. Masks of human skin, a pair of lips on a drawstring for a window shade oh yes and a jug containing human noses..."
Female Reporter: "Is this really going to be your next picture, Mr. Hitchcock?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Well that is my intention, yes madam. I only wish was that Ed Gein looked a little bit more like William Holden instead of Elmer Fudd. Heh heh heh heh. By the way, try the finger sandwiches. They're real fingers."
Female Reporter: "Bloody hell!"

At a press event for the film, Alfred Hitchcock reassures the members of the press that Psycho will in fact be his next film despite the horribly violent real life story that inspired the book. Hitchcock proves that he's all in, including (claiming to be) serving them finger sandwiches with real fingers.
Think of the Shock Value
Alfred Hitchcock: "Just think of the shock value. Killing off the leading lady halfway through. I mean you are intrigued, are you not, my dear? Come on, admit it. Admit it."
Alma Reville: "Actually I think it's a huge mistake. You shouldn't wait till halfway through. Kill her off after 30 minutes."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Well..."

Alfred Hitchcock sees the potential buzz he could receive for killing off the leading lady of the film before the end. Wife Alma sees it too though, perhaps out of jealously, urges Alfred to kill her off sooner.
Quit While You're Ahead
Male Reporter: "Mr. Hitchcock, you're the most famous director in the medium, but you're 60 years old. Shouldn't you just quit while you're ahead?"

This simple comment from a reporter, though likely not meant with any harm intended, gets under the skin of Alfred Hitchcock and inspires him to not let his age get the best of him on his pursuit to create possibly his best film yet.
Alma Reville: "It was the knife that, a moment later, cut off her scream and her head. Charming. Doris Day should do it as a musical."

Alma, Alfred Hitchcock's wife, read from the novel Psycho as the two discuss adapting the book into a film. Clearly Alma is being a bit sarcastic when she calls the horror story charming.
Faintishly Entertaining
Alfred Hitchcock: "Anything come up, my dear? Anything at all?"
Peggy: "Nothing suitable. Is that water? Do I need to call Alma?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Do whatever you want... Anthony Boucher says this book Psycho by Robert Bloch is faintishly entertaining."
Peggy: "Sounds ghastly, everyone in town's already passed."
Alfred Hitchcock: "And who's everyone, Peggy?"
Peggy: "Well, the story department finished the copy this morning."
Alfred Hitchcock: "This is about Ed Gein, the masked murderer from Wisconsin. Oh yeah, graphic elements of brutal violence, voyeurism, transvestitism and incest. Very nice, not your average run of the mill nut cases in here."
Peggy: "You're kidding?"
Alfred Hitchcock: "Peggy, this is the boy who dug up his own mother."

Looking for that next huge movie, Alfred Hitchcock speaks with his secretary Peggy about the book Psycho. While she thinks it's a bomb, especially since everyone else already passed it over, Hitchcock is inspired by the lengths the true story goes.
Talented Man Backs the Wrong Horse
Barney Balaban: "No one respects the name Hitchcock more than Paramount but even a talented man sometimes backs the wrong horse."
Lew Wasserman: "This is Mr. Hitchcock's next film."
Barney Balaban: "Fine, if you can get the money..."
Alfred Hitchcock: "Who do I make it out to?"

Barney Balaban tries to break the news to Alfred Hitchcock and studio executive Lew Wasserman that Paramount would not be funding "Psycho." That news didn't deter Hitchcock however as he promptly took out his checkbook ready to fund the project himself.

Palo Alto Movie Quotes

Palo Alto Movie Quotes
"Palo Alto" movie quotes bring the short stories of actor James Franco to life in this coming of age film. Acting as her debut film, the movie was written and directed by Gia Coppola. "Palo Alto" was screened at several film festivals before a limited release on May 9, 2014.

In "Palo Alto," April (Emma Roberts) is your average high school student. She plays on the soccer team, babysits and attends teen parties. While she is the class virgin, she does have somewhat of a relationship with classmate Teddy (Jack Kilmer), though neither seem to recognize it. Teddy however, when he's not hanging out with the wild and crazy Fred (Nat Wolff), is also having relations with the class slut, Emily (Zoe Levin), as is Fred.

Meanwhile, April builds a relationship with teacher and school soccer coach Mr. B (James Franco), for whom she also regularly babysits. In between her normal high school activities, April deals with the typical teenage angst tangled up with some sexual advances from Mr. B, all while trying to figure out life itself.

"Palo Alto" has some stiff competition at the box office with other films open at the same time including "Chef," "Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return Movie Quotes," "Neighbors," "Belle," "Walk of Shame," "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," "Locke," "Brick Mansions," "The Other Woman," "Transcendence," "A Haunted House 2," "Heaven is for Real," "Draft Day," "Under the Skin," "Dom Hemingway," "Joe," "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," "Sabotage," "Noah," "Blood Ties," the "Veronica Mars" movie, "Need for Speed."
Palo Alto Movie Quotes,

He Wants to Get It in With April
Emily: "Mr. B's a hottie. Too bad he wants to get it in with April."
April: "No, he doesn't. Why would you say that?"

Whether April wants to see it or not, Mr. B has something for her. Clearly her friends can see this while April perhaps is just in denial.
One Last Chance to Turn Your Life Around
Judge: "Mr. Morrison, given the support you have from the community, the court would like to give you one last chance to turn your life around."

A judge speaks to Fred after year another run in with the law. He offers Fred one final chance to start shaping up before he has to face serious and real consequences for his teenage rebellion.
You're Young and You Don't Know Why You Do Things
Mr. B: "All right, step one for doing your homework is turning off your phone."
April: "Fine"
Mr. B: "Now, it's simple. The way to right a good history paper is to choose your event then just explain why it happened. History is just explaining why things happen."
April: "But what if I don't think there's a reason for something happening?"
Mr. B: "Well, then you need to think harder."
April: "Yeah but I do things all the time for no reason."
Mr. B: "It's because you're young and you don't know why you do things but there's always a reason. No?"
April: "Uh uh"
Mr. B: "Okay"
April: "I mean, if you wanted to, couldn't you say that the reason things happened is because one thing that happened at the very, very beginning of time."
Mr. B: "Mmmhmm, if you wanted to be a smartass."

A study session between a teacher and a student changes dynamic real fast when Mr. B kisses April. Don't be surprised. A student coming to the home of a teacher or coach had that outcome written all over it.
What Are You Doing Sitting in That Locker?
Mr. B: "What are you doing sitting in that locker?"
April: "I don't know. I just like it sometimes."
Mr. B: "I'm surprised you can fit in there."
April: "I guess."
Mr. B: "Well, is everything okay? I haven't seen you at practice the last couple of days."
April: "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just I fell behind on a bunch of schoolwork so I've been catching up."
Mr. B: "Mmmhmm"
April: "I promise I'll be there next week. Do I still get to play?"
Mr. B: "Yeah, I just want to make sure everything's okay. You know you can talk to me, right? That's part of what a coach does."
April: "Okay"
Mr. B: "If you need help with homework, I'm pretty good at that too."
April: "Yeah, sure"
Mr. B: "Why don't you just bring your schoolwork to my house when you babysit next time?"
April: "Okay, I will."
Mr. B: "Yeah?"
April: "Mmmhmm"
Mr. B: "So I'll see you at practice?"
April: "Yeah, I promise. I will."
Mr. B: "Promise?"
April: "Yeah"
Mr. B: "Don't get stuck in there."

Mr. B finds April sitting inside a school locker and asks why she's been missing soccer practice. When April explains that school has been taking her time, he invites her to his home to study. That's not creepy at all, right?
Why Do You Have to Try So Hard to Seem Crazy?
Teddy: "Why do you have to try so hard to seem crazy?"

Teddy and Fred are great friends but it's times like this when Teddy wonders why Fred acts so crazy all the time and questions what he is trying to prove.
I Wish I Didn't Care About Anything
Teddy: "You just don't care about anything."
April: "I wish I didn't care about anything."

The strange dynamic between Teddy and April is highlighted in this interaction. Teddy sees April as someone who is aloof but April on the other hand feels the complete opposite.
I Know That You Are Really Good
Mr. B: "I'm older and I know that there aren't a lot of good things around and I know that you are really good."

Crossing the line yet again, Mr. B comes on to April. He tries to explain that with his age comes wisdom and that wisdom says she is something special.

Chasing Mavericks Movie Quotes

Chasing Mavericks Movie Quotes
"Chasing Mavericks" movie quotes tell the true story of one talented young surfer who seeks to fulfill his destiny of surfing some of the most dangerous waves in the world. The biographical drama released on October 26, 2012, was written by Kario Salem and Brandon Hooper and directed by Curtis Hanson and Michael Apted, who also served as producers.

In "Chasing Mavericks," viewers are introduced to surfing legend Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler) and young Jay Moriarty (Jonny Weston). Frosty's first encounter with Jay is when Frosty pulls Jay from the dangerous surf, saving his life. Years later, the two meet again after Jay, a promising and talented your surfer, enlists the help of Frosty to train him to surf Mavericks, the most dangerous wave in the country. Reluctantly, and on the advice of wife Brenda (Abigail Spencer), Frosty agrees and the two set off on a journey that brings them together with a common purpose.

What are the best "Chasing Mavericks" movie quotes? "Chasing Mavericks" is based on the true story of the late Jay Moriarty. Jay was an accomplished athlete in the surfing world including earning notoriety for his surfing of Mavericks. At only the age of 22, Jay died in what is believed to be a free-diving accident in the Indian Ocean on June 15, 2001. He is survived by his wife, Kim (portrayed by Leven Rambin in the film) and mother Kristy (portrayed by Elisabeth Shue in the movie).

If inspirational sports movies are not your thing, many other movies are primed to suit all audiences including "Alex Cross," "Smashed," "Sinister," "Seven Psychopaths," "Argo," "Here Comes the Boom," "The Paperboy," "Taken 2," "Frankenweenie," "Butter," "Won't Back Down," and "Looper."
Chasing Mavericks Movie Quotes,

Conveyor Belt
Frosty: "So you made it all of 30 yards. If you want to get out there, you have to make it through half a mile of this, just to get in position to Mavericks. So you've got to conserve all the energy you've got. All right, now let's take a look at what you missed. Now for some reason, you decided to paddle straight out into that mess. Now, take a look at the rocks over there. See what's happening with the current?"

Jay: "It's got nowhere to go."

Frosty: "Nowhere to go but where?"

Jay: "Back out"

Frosty: "Back out, exactly. To a waterman, it's a conveyor belt."

As Frosty teaches Jay, learning to surf Mavericks is more than having the skill and training, it's about learning how to do things smarter not harder. This trick, one of many he shares with his pupil, allows for an easier route out to the Mavericks meaning more energy for the actual waves.
Why Are You Doing This?
Kim: "Jay, why are you doing this?"

Jay: "Cause I'll know that I am alive."

Kim, Jay's love interest, is concerned about Jay and questions why he would want to put himself in the type of danger that comes with surfing Mavericks. For Jay however, that's the only way to feel alive.
I Know How Good You Are
Frosty: "I know how good you are. I've seen you out there. You surf circles around those other kids. Those are normal waves. Surfing normal waves is about how you perform when everything goes right. Big wave surfing it's a different ball game. It's about how you perform when everything goes wrong. One bump off the face of that wave and you're hitting the water like concrete at 50 miles per hour. Then you got a thousand tons of water coming down on top of you. It's knocking you senseless, ripping you apart and pushing you down to a place that's so deep and so dark that you don't want to be there."

Jay: "So why do it?"

Frosty: "Get out of here. I got work to do."

Jay: "Train me then. Train me to ride it."

Frosty: "Did you hear what I said?"

Jay wants to surf Mavericks and thinks that because he is a solid surfer he has what it takes. What Jay doesn't realize, as Frosty informs him of, is that surfing Mavericks is completely on another level, one frankly Jay is not ready for.
Four Minutes
Frosty: "If you want to get out there you got to forget about the pain. A wave like Mavericks will hold you down for minutes at a time. If you can't hold your breath for at least four minutes then you may as well not even paddle out."

In training Jay for surfing Mavericks, he explains that one part of the task is being able to hold your breath for a long time, at least four minutes, so if the need arises, you're ready.
A Chance To Change Everything
Frosty: "What's going on inside of you, Jay? What are you afraid of? You've got a chance to change everything. Take it. This is about more than just surfing. This is about choices you make in life. This is about finding that one thing that sets you free. You need to believe in yourself or none of this matters."

When Jay finds trouble on land, Frosty reminds him of the opportunities he has for greatness in the sea. This however will require Jay to make some wiser decisions than he has been making but could lead to very positive things later on.
My Conscience
Brenda: "That boy's going to surf that wave anyway, even if he dies trying. I mean, wouldn't you?"


Frosty: "I'm going to train you to survive cause I don't want it on my conscience."

After he is reminded about his own fearless drive by wife Brenda, Frosty agrees to help Jay train for surfing the Mavericks knowing full well that Jay would do it on his own anyway.
How Is Your Father?
Frosty: "How is your father?"

Jay: "He wrote me a letter a few years back."

Frosty: "What did it say?"

Jay: "I don't know. I never opened it."

Jay clearly does not have a great relationship with his father and in fact has not even opened a letter sent from his father. This opens a space in Jay's life for Frosty to be that role model, that teacher that Jay needs.
Jay: "You ever see something and you think that's the reason you are put on this earth?"

Kim: "What are you talking about?"

Jay: "The biggest wave in the world, Mavericks, it's real."

Speaking to love interest Kim, Jay discusses how he feels that it's his destiny to surf the dangerous Mavericks, the biggest wave in the world. But having the drive to do something is only part of the task. Having the skill and training to survive is another story.
Untrained Boys
Jay: "I want to ride that wave."

Frosty: "Untrained boys don't step into the ring against Mike Tyson."

Jay pleads with Frosty in his relentless quest to join Frosty in surfing Mavericks but Frosty reminds Jay of the harsh reality that he is not nearly trained or skilled well enough to safely survive.
Our Journey Together
Frosty: "In 1987, I pulled an eight-year-old kid out of the surf. A few years later, I discovered our journey together was far from over."

Reflecting on the first time they met, Frosty talks about how his first interaction with Jay came after as a young boy Jay was washed into the sea prompting Frosty to rescue him from the dangerous surf. It was not evident then that their paths would cross again.

Demolition Movie Quotes

Demolition Movie Quotes
Demolition movie quotes tell the story of one man who takes his entire life apart in an attempt to put it back together. The drama film was written by Bryan Sipe and directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. After premiering at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival, Demolition opened in theaters on April 8, 2016.

In Demolition, investment banker Davis Mitchell unexpectedly loses his wife, Julia (Heather Lind), in a car accident. Moments later, he tries to purchase Peanut M&Ms from a vending machine in the hospital but the candy doesn't dispense. This prompts Davis to later write a complaint to the vending company about the issue. But Davis doesn't stop with just one letter about the M&Ms, rather sends them multiple letters that describe all aspects of his life.

These letters attract the eye of Karen Moreno (Naomi Watts) who reaches out and befriends Davis, along with her son Chris (Judah Lewis). Often with Chris in tow, Davis takes some advice from father in law Phil (Chris Cooper) a bit too literally and begins to take everything in his life apart, such as his house, workplace and appliances, in order to learn how to put it all back together again.

Demolition hits theaters already showing other films including Hardcore Henry, Meet the Blacks, Everybody Wants Some!!, and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Demolition Movie Quotes,

You Have to Take Everything Apart
Phil: Repairing the human heart is like repairing an automobile. You have to take everything apart, examine everything, then you can put it all back together.

Phil, Davis's father in law, gives Davis some advice about grieving. He urges Davis to take everything apart, advice Phil has no idea Davis will take so literally.
Dear Champion Vending Company
Davis Mitchell: Dear Champion Vending Company, This letter is in regards to vending machine 714 located in St. Andrea's Hospital which should have given me Peanut M&Ms. Regrettably, it didn't. I found this upsetting as I was very hungry and also my wife had died 10 minutes earlier. Maybe I should start from the beginning. I get up every morning at 5:30. I never thought I'd be one of those people who carried a briefcase. It always reminds me of carrying a lunch box to school. We handle quite a bit of money. I don't want to say how much cause I think that would be inappropriate. Okay, it's six billion. I don't think Phil liked me that much at first. I wasn't all that ambitious. Also, he told me once, "I don't like you, Davis." Julia was a nice girl, a good person. Other than that, I don't think I knew who she really was. She always said I didn't pay attention. I find I'm suddenly starting to notice things I never saw before. Well, maybe I saw them I just wasn't paying attention.

In his correspondence to the vending machine company, Davis shares more than his unfortunate experience with Peanut M&Ms. He talks about many other aspects of his life which is just enough to get the attention of the reader, and cause some concern.
Do You Have Anyone to Talk To?
Karen Moreno: This is Karen Moreno from Champion Vending Company. I'm calling in regards to your complaint letters. There's been four so far. Do you have anyone to talk to?
Davis Mitchell: Do you usually make service calls at two in the morning?

After reading his letters, Karen reaches out to Davis to see if he is okay. She senses that he's alone during a tough time and offers him some much-needed support.
A Bulldozer?
Karen Moreno: A bulldozer?
Davis Mitchell: Yeah, you can buy almost anything on eBay.

When the sledgehammer doesn't do the job, Davis pulls in the heavy machinery to knock down his once beautiful home. Just because you can buy something on eBay doesn't mean that you should.
We're Taking Apart My Marriage
Chris Moreno: What are we doing again?
Davis Mitchell: We're taking apart my marriage.

Chris asks Davis about why they seem to be purchasing sledgehammers and taking everything in Davis's house apart. As Davis explains, they are taking apart his marriage via taking apart everything in his marital home.
Do You Miss Her?
Karen Moreno: Do you miss her?
Davis Mitchell: I'm trying to.
Davis Mitchell: There was love between me and Julia. I just didn't take care of it.

In talking about his recently deceased wife, Julia, Davis admits that he wasn't a great partner in their marriage. He knows that he should miss her, and tries hard to do just that, but it doesn't seem to come naturally.
Have Some Compassion!
Chris Moreno: Are you for real right now? There's some random guy eating in our house.
Karen Moreno: The man's wife just died! Have some compassion!
Davis Mitchell: Shouldn't you be in school?
Chris Moreno: I'm suspended.
Davis Mitchell: For what?

When Davis arrives for dinner with Karen and her son, Chris, the boy is a little alarmed at the stranger in their house. It doesn't take long for Chris and Davis to find something in common though.
Where Exactly Are You Feeling Numb?
Dr. Brodkey: Where exactly are you feeling numb?
Davis Mitchell: Sort of in this whole area right here.

Davis meets with a doctor about how he's feeling after his wife's tragic death. When asked to describe where he feels numb, Davis explains that it's kind of all over.

Draft Day Movie Quotes

Draft Day Movie Quotes
List of "Draft Day" movie quotes. "Draft Day" takes sports fans through the NFL Draft process from the eyes of the Cleveland Browns in this comedy-drama feature film. Ivan Reitman directed the football film using a screenplay by Rajiv Joseph and Scott Rothman. "Draft Day" opened in theaters on April 11, 2014, just days before the 2014 NFL Draft.

In "Draft Day," Sonny Weaver, Jr. (Kevin Costner) is the General Manager of the Cleveland Browns, a team who, like in real life, has been on the losing side of the National Football League for quite some time. With the NFL Draft soon approaching, Sonny has been tasked by team owner Harvey Molina (Frank Langella) with making a big splash this year or he is fired. Sonny takes that task and runs with it, stopping at all costs to make big moves including acquiring the first overall draft pick.

En route to that top draft pick, Sonny butts heads with more than a few people, including Browns Head Coach Vince Penn (Denis Leary), who does not quite agree with Sonny's choices. While he does have the support of Ali (Jennifer Garner), Sonny turns heads, and not in a good way, with his risky decisions to create his dream roster. It's a tall task, but Sonny stops at nothing to make this draft day one that could turn the entire Cleveland Browns franchise around once and for all.

"Draft Day" will surely draw football fans but it has to compete with other films in theaters such as "Under the Skin," "Dom Hemingway," "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," "Sabotage," "Noah," "Blood Ties," the "Veronica Mars" movie, "Need for Speed," "Mr. Peabody and Sherman," "300: Rise of an Empire," "The Grand Budapest Hotel," "Cheap Thrills," "Monuments Men," "Winter's Tale," "RoboCop (2014), "About Last Night," "Vampire Academy," "The Lego Movie," "Gimme Shelter," "I, Frankenstein," "Ride Along," and "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit."
Draft Day Movie Quotes,

You Sold a Cow for Magic Beans
Barb Weaver: "You sold a cow for magic beans."
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "How does the entire world already know about this, mom?"
Barb Weaver: "Because I just tweeted it"
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "You're on Twitter?"
Barb Weaver: "You're not?"

Sonny learns that it's hard to keep news quiet when he does what he does for a living, even more so when his mother of all people is spreading his news on her own personal Twitter account.
Every Year Someone Comes Out of This Looking Like a Donkey
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Hey, Tom"
Tom Michaels: "Hey, Sonny"
Jeff Carson: "Sonny!"
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Every year someone comes out of this looking like a donkey. Can you hear me?"
Jeff Carson: "Yeah"
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Good, because tomorrow I've got a feeling that could be you if you don't make this deal."

Sonny tries his best to coerce Jeff Carson into making a deal. Sonny makes it seem like this deal will help Jeff but he'd never consider the move if his own team didn't benefit even more.
Ultimate Prize in the Most Macho Sport Ever
Ali: "How is it that the ultimate prize in the most macho sport ever invented is a piece of jewelry?"

Ali jokes to Vince Penn about how football is possibly the most macho sport ever, yet players, coaches and everyone involved wants nothing more than winning a piece of jewelry, something far from macho.
Your Job Is to Coach a Team I Give You
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Your job is to coach a team I give you. They do it different in Dallas?"
Vince Penn: "Yeah, they do. They win… a lot!"

Sonny and head coach Vince Penn butt heads regarding which players they'd like to have on the team. While Sonny has a plan, Vince has a history of success and wants to continue that in Cleveland.
Write Your Own Story, Sonny
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Can we talk football?"
Ali: "We can always talk football."
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "I just want the team that I want, one time."
Ali: "You see things other people don't see. That's one of the things I love about you. All that matters is what you think. Write your own story, Sonny."

Sonny confides in Ali about how he feels his hands are tied by others in the Browns organization. For once, Sonny wants complete control of the roster, something Ali urges him to take.
I Need You to Make a Splash, Sonny
Harvey Molina: "Let's talk about the draft. I need you to make a splash, Sonny, and if you can't do it then I have to do it."
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Just to be clear here, you're threatening to fire me, right?"

Browns owner Harvey Molina makes it crystal clear. Either Sonny needs to make a big splash at the draft or he is fired.
You're Outta Your Mind
Tom Michaels: "You're outta your mind."
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Yeah, I am. Haven't I proved that already?"

Sonny was asked to make a splash at the draft and he's doing just that. Then again, making a splash and being accused of going absolutely crazy are not that different.
You Can Fix This!
Radio Announcer: "This is the draft day Browns fans were waiting for. Sonny, I hope you're listening. You run this team. You're the general manager. You can fix this!"

Like many Browns fans and critics, this radio announcer is hopeful that this year, finally, the team will draft someone who can put their team back in the wins column. As general manager, Sonny is more than used to hearing these pleas and is also hopeful for that same success.
Sonny, That's Our Future
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "I just made a trade with the Seahawks."
Marvin: "Sonny, that's our future."

When Sonny starts making moves that more than make a splash, others in the Browns organization begin to question Sonny's decisions. As Marvin points out, Sonny is gambling their future for their present, a risky move to say the least.
You're Going to Like This
Vince Penn: "I quit, Sonny."
Sonny Weaver, Jr.: "Don't quit. See what I do from here. You're going to like this."

Head coach Vince Penn has had enough with Sonny's bold roster moves and announces that he quits. Sonny urges him to reconsider, suggesting that very soon the results of his grand plan will be crystal clear.

The Best Drama Movies of 2014

The Best Drama Movies of 2014
Let's get dramatic... There were a lot of great drama movies released in 2014, but which were the greatest? This list of the best 2014 drama films includes all the top dramas from the year, from noted drama directors and the greatest dramatic actors working today. No drama queens here - these were all celebrated dramas that entertained movie audiences throughout 2014, and the best Hollywood had to offer in the drama genre.

Where will you rank excellent 2014 book adaptations like The Fault in Our Stars, Unbroken, and Gone Girl? How about suspenseful 2014 movies like Fury, Nightcrawler, and Lone Survivor? You may love Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, but how did you like his 2014 drama The Judge? Did Kristen Stewart redeem her Twilight movies with the 2014 indie drama Camp X-Ray? Other great 2014 dramas include the vampire movie Dracula Untold and 2014 award season contenders like Birdman, Foxcatcher, and Whiplash, all of which will likely be nominated come Oscar night.

Vote below and let us know which films you thought were the best drama movies of 2014. If you missed them in theaters, be sure to check out these movies on DVD. If you're looking for more great dramas to rank, check out our drama movie lists of best family drama movies and best historical drama movies!
The Best Drama Movies of 2014,


Lone Survivor




Gone Girl




The Babadook

The Great Gatsby Movie Quotes

The Great Gatsby Movie Quotes
"The Great Gatsby" movie quotes bring the classic novel from F. Scott Fitzgerald back to the big screen for a 3D romantic comedy adaptation. Baz Luhrmann directed the film and co-wrote the screenplay along with Craig Pearce. After many changes to the release date, "The Great Gatsby" premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on May 15, 2013, just days after its theatrical release in the United States on May 10, 2013.

In "The Great Gatsby," the scene is New York City and the time is the Roaring Twenties. Nick Carraway (Toby Maguire), is an aspiring stock broker and World War I veteran who moves to the outskirts of the big city from the midwest. He soon is introduced to his lavish neighbor, Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), and Nick is instantly intrigued. As they get to know one another, Nick learns that Gatsby is a man with big hopes and big pockets whose worldly past includes numerous commendation medals from his service in World War I. Though Nick is thoroughly drawn to Gatsby's lifestyle, Nick senses that beneath the grandeur Gatsby has secrets.

One night, Gatsby is reunited with Daisy Buchanan (Carey Mulligan), a woman with which he had a romantic relationship prior to the war. While both are happy to reunite with one another, things have changed since their tome together. Daisy has married another man, Tom (Joel Edgerton), and created a life with him. Yet when they reunite, old passions are reignited creating quite the conflict for Daisy and Gatsby.

"The Great Gatsby" hits theaters already buzzing with other movies such as "The Big Wedding," "Oblivion," "Scary Movie 5," "Evil Dead," "Jurassic Park 3D," "G.I. Joe: Retaliation," "Olympus Has Fallen," "Admission," "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone," "Emperor," "Dead Man Down," "Oz: The Great and Powerful," "Stoker," "A Good Day to Die Hard," "Side Effects," and "Identity Thief."
The Great Gatsby Movie Quotes,

You Can't Repeat the Past
Nick Carraway: "You can't repeat the past."
Jay Gatsby: "Can't repeat the past? But of course you can. My life, my life has got to be like this. It's got to keep going up."

Nick tries to convince Gatsby to move on from Daisy rather than trying to keep recreating the past now that she's married someone else. Gatsby brushes off the suggestion with his big hopes and dreams of a lavish lifestyle his focus.
You Always Look So Cool
Daisy Buchanan: "You always look so cool, a man in the cool, beautiful shirts."

Daisy, still clearly having feelings for Gatsby, remarks on how he's always presented himself to her and others. Not only does Gatsby dress well, but he looks cool during whatever he does in those cool, beautiful shirts.
A Man of Fine Breeding
Meyer Wolfsheim: "When I made the pleasure of Mr. Gatsby's acquaintance, I discovered a man of fine breeding."
Nick Carraway: "Very interesting"
Jay Gatsby: "Everything all right?"
Nick Caraway: "Uh, yes"

Nick Carraway speaks to Meyer Wolfsheim, a mutual friend of his and Jay Gatsby's, about Gatsby at one of his lavish parties. Nick is intrigued by enigmatic neighbor Gatsby and wants to learn more but Gatsby himself interrupts their chat.
Glad to See You
Daisy Buchanan: "I'm certainly glad to see you again."
Jay Gatsby: "I'm certainly glad to see you as well."

Meeting again after they were torn apart by the war, Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan are certainly nervous about reuniting but both are definitely pleased to see each other.
I Don't Want to Go Home
Daisy Buchanan: "I don't want to go home."
Jay Gatsby: "Then don't."

Gatsby, focused on his own happiness rather than the consequences of what he is proposing, urges Daisy to stay with him over going home to her husband. Though Daisy wants to stay, she knows what she has to do.
We Were Born Different
Tom Buchanan: "Mr. Gatsby, I'd like to know who exactly are you anyhow?" [to Daisy] "Can't you see who this guy is with his house, his parties and his fancy clothes?" [to Gatsby] "We were born different from you. It's in our blood. Nothing that you do or dream up will ever change that."
Jay Gatsby: [attacking Tom] "Shut up!"

Tom, Daisy's husband, gets heated when they meet with Gatsby. Tom tries to explain to Daisy that her life is not on the same level as Gatsby's and explain to Gatsby that he can never change that. Gatsby does not take the threat well.
I Wish
Daisy Buchanan: "I wish we could just run away… I wish I had done everything on earth with you."

Daisy looks back on the past and remarks of how she wishes she would have stayed with Gatsby as well as how she wishes they could just run away now. Like Gatsby, she too views the past as something they cherish and wishes their future could be with one another.
Grand Vision for Life
Nick Carraway: "Gatsby, he had a grand vision for his life since he was a boy. No amount of fire could challenge the fairy tale he had stored up in his heart. He had an extraordinary sense of hope but I had the uneasy feeling that he was guarding secrets. It had gone beyond her. It had gone beyond everything."

Nick Carraway comments on his impression of Gatsby in that Gatsby always had high hopes for a high class life but is far from reproach. Nick thinks Gatsby is hiding something and has taken things too far in trying to recreate the perfect past he once had with Daisy.
Major Jay Gatsby
Jay Gatsby: "I will tell you God's truth, God's truth about myself. I am the son of some very wealthy people. Sadly they're all dead now. I've lived in all the capitals of Europe collecting jewels, hunting big game, painting a little. Then came the war, old sport. Every allied government gave me a decoration."
Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby: [together] "Major Jay Gatsby for valor extraordinary"
Jay Gatsby: "That's right."

Driving around in a fancy car, Gatsby tells Nick a little bit about himself. He recollects his worldly past as well as his war medals, not that he is humble about any of it.
New York, 1922
Nick Carraway: "New York, 1922, the tempo of the city had changed sharply. The buildings were higher. The parties were bigger. The morals were looser and the liquor was cheaper. The restlessness approached. Hysteria."

Nick Carraway provides an overview of the times they live in. It was the roaring 20s, a perfect time for an extravagant and rich fellow like Jay Gatsby to live the good life.

Top 10 Most Memorable Sully Movie Quotes According to Fans

Top 10 Most Memorable Sully Movie Quotes According to Fans

Sully movie quotes provide the tense dialogue for the biographical drama film chronicling how Captain Chesley Sullenberger piloted US Airways Flight 1549 to an emergency landing on the Hudson River. Clint Eastwood directed the movie, which was adapted by Todd Komarnicki from the autobiography Highest Duty by Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow. Showing in IMAX, Sully opened in theaters on September 9, 2016.

In Sully, Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) and First Officer Jeff Skiles (Aaron Exkhart) take off from LaGuardia Airport in New York City when moments after takeoff, they encounter a flock of geese that disables both of their engines. Captain Sullenberger radios back to the airport tower to request an emergency landing but soon realizes that the aircraft will not make it that far. He makes the bold choice to force a water landing in the Hudson River, one that resulted in all 155 people on board surviving.

In the wake of the water landing, Captain Sullenberger is bombarded by the media and interrogated by the NTSB (including Mike O'Malley and Anna Gunn), who tries to suggest that Sully made the wrong choice in the incident that was later dubbed the Miracle on the Hudson. This sudden attention takes a toll on Captain Sullenberger's life, his legacy and his family, including wife Lorraine (Laura Linney).

If you enjoy these Sully movie quotes, check out quotes from other summer 2016 movies including Blood Father, Mechanic: ResurrectionWar Dogs, and Kubo and the Two Strings.

Top 10 Most Memorable Sully Movie Quotes According to Fans,

Overwhelmed By All This Attention

Chesley Sullenberger: I'm overwhelmed by all this attention.

In the time following the water landing, Captain Sullenberger was bombarded by media attention. As it would be for anyone not used to being in the spotlight, the attention quickly became overwhelming.

I'm Going to Be Judged by 208 Seconds

Chesley Sullenberger: I've had 40 years in the air but in the end, I'm going to be judged by 208 seconds. 

Summing up the impact of the incident on his career in this Sully movie quote, Captain Sullenberger states how despite his four decades as a pilot, this will be his legacy. 

What If I Did Get This Wrong?

Chesley Sullenberger: What if I did get this wrong? What if I endangered the lives of all those passengers? 
Jeff Skiles: You did everything you could. It was more than enough.

Captain Sullenberger and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles reflect on the water landing in this Sully movie quote. Sully questions if they made the wrong choice, something Jeff feels he did not.

When Was Your Last Drink?

Charles Porter: When was your last drink, Captain Sullenberger? Have you had any troubles at home?

The NTSB investigation into the water landing examines Captain Sullenberger's personal life. Investigators, including Charles Porter, try to blame Sully for the landing, one that resulted in saving the lives of everyone on board.

Brace for Impact!

Chesley Sullenberger: This is the captain. Brace for impact.
Diane Higgins: What?
Flight Attendants: Brace! Brace! Brace! Heads down! Stay down! 

The moment of impact with the Hudson River is chronicled in this Sully movie quote. As passengers begin to panic, the pilots and flight attendants do all they can to keep everyone safe.

We're Going to End Up in the Hudson

Chesley Sullenberger: Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Cactus 1549. We've lost both engines.
Air Traffic Controller: Cactus 1549, do you need to return to LaGuardia?
Chesley Sullenberger: We can't make it. We're going to end up on the Hudson.

After the aircraft encounters a flock of geese, which takes out both of their engines, Captain Sullenberger radios back to LaGuardia to inform them of the need to make an emergency landing. 

No One Ever Trained for an Incident Like That

Chesley Sullenberger: No one warned us. No one said you are going to lose two engines at a lower altitude than any jet in history. This was dual engine loss at 2,800 feet followed by an immediate water landing with 155 souls on board. No one has ever trained for an incident like that.

In this Sully movie quote, Captain Sullenberger explains the uniqueness of the situation that led to his choice to land a commercial aircraft in the Hudson River. This was an unprecedented event that no one has ever trained for or expected.

Our Job is to Investigate

Charles Porter: Our job is to investigate how a plane ended up in the Hudson River. 
Jeff Skiles: On the Hudson River
Chesley Sullenberger: It's not a crash. It's a forced water landing.
Charles Porter: Simulation showed that you could make it back to the airport.
Chesley Sullenberger: Not possible, I felt it go.

Members of the NTSB question Captain Sullenberger and First Officer Jeff Skiles about the forced water landing. The NTSB officials argue that the plane could have made it back to the airport, something the pilots firmly disagree with.

I Did the Best I Could

Chesley Sullenberger: I want you to know, I did the best I could.
Lorraine Sullenberger: Of course you did, you saved everyone. There were 155 people on that plane and you were one of them.

On the phone with wife Lorraine, Captain Sullenberger appears to question his decision to land the plane in the Hudson. Lorraine reaffirms that he did indeed make the right choice, one that saved 155 lives.

I Don't Feel Like a Hero

Katie Couric: People call you a hero.
Chesley Sullenberger: I don't feel like a hero.

In a Sully movie quote from an interview with Katie Couric, Captain Sullenberger responds to a statement about being called a hero. Still unsure if he made the right choice, Sully responds that he does not feel like a hero.

Hidden Figures Movie Quotes

Hidden Figures Movie Quotes

Hidden Figures movie quotes provide the dialogue for the film about the brilliant female African-American mathematicians who helped NASA and the mission for the first American man orbiting Earth. The biographical drama, which was based on true events, was adapted into a screenplay by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi based off of the book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly. Theodore Melfi directed Hidden Figures, which opened in theaters on December 25, 2016.

In Hidden Figures, it's the late 1960s and NASA is racing with the Russians to win the space race. As NASA, including Space Task Group Director Al Harrison (Kevin Costner), is preparing to launch John Glenn into space on the Apollo 11 mission, they know that what they are doing is equally dangerous as it is groundbreaking. 

Accordingly, they ask for some of the best minds in mathematics to join their team and an unlikely brilliant mind arises. Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), along with colleagues Dorothy Vaughn (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae), join NASA as part of a segregated computer division. While these women work tirelessly for NASA and are key to the mission's success, their personal success is overshadowed by the continuing equal rights struggles for black women at the time.

Hidden Figures movie quotes give a sneak peek into the film just as movie quotes for other films do, including for Live by Night, Fences, Silence, and Why Him?

Hidden Figures Movie Quotes,

A Mind Like the One Your Daughter Has

Young Katherine Johnson: Equilateral, trapezoid, isosceles, tetrahedron 
Teacher: I've never seen a mind like the one your daughter has. You have to see what she becomes.

A young Katherine shows that she has a special gift for mathematics in these Hidden Figures movie quotes. The teacher knows she's destined to do good things, but few would have known at that point just what she would accomplish in life.

The Right to See Fine in Any Color

John Glenn: What do you ladies do for NASA?
Katherine Johnson: Calculate your launch and landing, sir
Mary Jackson: Engineer, and I'm proud as the devil to be working with you.
Katherine Johnson: How can you be possibly ogling these white men?
Mary Jackson: It's equal rights. I have the right to see fine in every color.

When the ladies meet the astronaut they seek to send into space, Katherine is shocked that Mary sucks up to John Glenn. As Mary explains, there are equal rights in the country now, including for her right to see fine in any color.

It's Going to Matter to the Whole Damn Country

Al Harrison: It's crunch time. In 14 days, astronauts will be here for training. Everything we do can matter to their wives, to their children. I believe it's going to matter to the whole damn country. 
Dorothy Vaughn: My gals are ready. We can do the work.

Al Harrison gives his team a pep talk as the mission nears launch in these Hidden Figures movie quotes. There are lives at stake here but Dorothy and her ladies are up for the task.

Our Father's Daughters

Mary Jackson: We go from being our father's daughters, to our husband's wives to our babies' mothers.

Mary describes life as a typical woman in her time in this Hidden Figures movie quote. In turn, she also describes yearning for accomplishing more in her life than just being a wife and mother.

There is No Protocol

Paul Stafford: There is no protocol for women attending.
Katherine Johnson: There's no protocol for a man circling the earth either, sir.
Mary Jackson: Every time we get a chance to get ahead they move the finish line, every time.

Katherine is frustrated and angry when she learns that she and her other female teammates will not be allowed into a meeting. Mary echoes the frustration and feels that for every step forward they make, they take another step right back.

Quite a Few Women Working in the Space Program

Mary Jackson: Katherine! We all going to end up unemployed riding around in this pile of junk.
Dorothy Vaughn: You're welcome to walk the 16 miles. 
Katherine Johnson: Or sit in the back of the bus
Police Officer: You have identification on you?
Katherine Johnson: We're just on our way to work, at NASA.
Police Officer: I had no idea they hired.
Dorothy Vaughn: They have quite a few women working in the space program.

When Dorothy's car breaks down in these Hidden Figures movie quotes, a police officer stops to offer assistance to the ladies. While he's initially surprised that these three black women work for NASA, once they prove that claim, he offers them an escort to finish their commute.

It's Because We Wear Glasses

Mary Jackson: That colonel Jim is a tall glass of water. 
Dorothy Vaughn: He's coming over.
Katherine Johnson: Now why would he be doing that?
Dorothy Vaughn: Cause Mary's waving at him
Mary Jackson: Dorothy, a slice of pie?
Dorothy Vaughn: I'd love one.
Katherine Johnson: You already have a slice of pie, Dorothy.
Jim Johnson: You're a computer at NASA. They let women handle that sort of...?
Katherine Johnson: Yes, they let women do some things at NASA, Mr. Johnson, and it's not because we wear skirts. It's because we wear glasses.

At a picnic, Mary and Dorothy scheme to get Katherine into a conversation with the study Jim Johnson. While Katherine is initially unwilling to chat with him, the feeling only gets worse when he opens his mouth.

It's Never Been Done Before

Al Harrison: You know what we're going here? We're putting a human on top of a missile and shooting him into space and it's never been done before. I need a mathematician that can look beyond the numbers, at math that doesn't exist before the Russians plant a flag on the damn moon.
Vivian Mitchell: You have someone?
Dorothy Vaughn: Katherine's the gal for that. She can handle any numbers you put in front of her. 

Al Harrison lays out the magnitude of what they're trying to do in these Hidden Figures movie quotes, safely send a man into space. This will involve some pretty intense math and Vivian has someone perfect in mind for the position.

The Skeleton Twins Movie Quotes

The Skeleton Twins Movie Quotes
"The Skeleton Twins" follows two estranged twins who reunite after 10 years apart. The comedy film was written by Craig Johnson and Mark Heyman. Johnson also directed the movie, which was honored with the Screenwriting Award: U.S. Dramatic at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. "The Skeleton Twins" opened in theaters on September 12, 2014.

In "The Skeleton Twins," twins Maggie (Kristen Wiig) and Milo (Bill Hader) haven't spoken in 10 years, shortly after the death of their father, but after each cheat death, they reunite in upstate New York. After heading to Los Angeles to pursue acting, Milo moves in with Maggie and her husband Lance (Luke Wilson), who are trying to conceive.

Neither are especially happy with their current lives--Milo as a failed actor and Maggie unhappy in her marriage including an instance where she cheated with her scuba instructor Billy (Boyd Holbrook)--so they turn to each other for comfort. But in order to rebuild their once-close relationship, Maggie and Milo need to work out why they grew apart in the first place.

"The Skeleton Twins" brings some laughs to theaters already filled with other serious movies such as "Dolphin Tale 2," "No Good Deed," "The Drop," "The Identical," "Frontera," "The Longest Week," "The November Man," "The Congress," "Life of Crime," "Starred Up," "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For," "If I Stay," "When the Game Stands Tall," "Are You Here," "The Expendables 3," "Let's Be Cops," "Life After Beth," "Frank," "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," "The Hundred-Foot Journey "Guardians of the Galaxy," "Get On Up," "Hercules," "Lucy," "Magic in the Moonlight."
The Skeleton Twins Movie Quotes,

Dad Always Told Us to Stick Together
Maggie: "Dad always told us to stick together, no matter what."

Maggie reminds Milo of some wise words from their father. It was after his death that the two grew apart, something they are now trying to correct.
We're Trying to Get Pregnant
Lance: "Is it okay if I tell him? We're trying to get pregnant."
Milo: "That's great."
Lance: "And you say 'we are' cause it's not sexist that way. Right? That's what you told me."
Maggie: "Yeah"
Milo: "I can't wait to be the creepy gay uncle."
Lance: "You're hired!"

As Maggie and Milo catch up, Maggie's husband Lance shares their desire to have a baby. His explanation of his explanation however is a bit on the awkward side.
It's the Book Where the Dog Dies
Maggie: "Hey"
Milo: "Have you read 'Marley And Me?'"
Maggie: "Yeah. It's sad."
Milo: "Why is it sad?"
Maggie: "You don't know what happens?"
Milo: "No, that's why I'm reading it. What, does the dog die at the end?"
Maggie: "No. I'm not saying anything."
Milo: "Look how much I have left… Maggie, I know the dog dies. Everyone knows the dog dies. It's the book where the dog dies."
Maggie: "I see you're getting your sense of humor back."
Milo: "Yeah, they can't take that away from me."

When the topic of the sad book 'Marley & Me' comes up, Maggie tries to tread lightly about how the story ends. Milo on the other hand knows full well that the dog dies but is reading anyway.
Why'd We Go 10 Years Without Talking?
Maggie: "Why'd we go 10 years without talking?"
Milo: "Well, it's probably not worth talking about now… You have to tell me a secret."
Maggie: "I slept with my scuba instructor."
Milo: "Maggie! Wouldn't it be easier just to tell Lance you're not ready to have a kid?"
Maggie: "What am I going to do?"

Having reunited after many years apart, Maggie and Milo reconnect and soon share some very personal secrets. While this is a start to rebuilding their relationship, they will eventually need to deal with the underlying issues if they want this relationship to last.
No One Is a Famous Actor
Milo: "I get depressed about my life."
Maggie: "So do I… A famous actor? I got news for you. No one is a famous actor."
Milo: "George Clooney is a famous actor."
Maggie: "Okay, George Clooney, I guess that's one exception."

When Milo discusses his dream to be a famous actor, Maggie tries to express that his dream is a little on the unreasonable side. Milo, however, points out that many others have accomplished that goal just fine.
We're Supposed to Be There for Each Other
Maggie: "You're my brother and we're supposed to be there for each other."
Milo: "I'm tired of you acting like you're the healthy one and I'm your special needs kid."

It's pretty clear that Maggie and Milo have some unresolved issues that they need to work out. But in the end, they are brother and sister, twins even, and that means something.
What Are You Doing Here?
Milo: "Surprise!"
Rich: "Milo"
Milo: "Back from the dead!"

Rich: "What are you doing here?"
Milo: "Um"

Milo surprises Rich, his former teacher with whom he had a romantic fling many years ago. Rich is shocked to see Milo and concerned about his motives for returning.
Moved To L.A. To Be an Actor
Maggie: "Well, last I heard, you moved to L.A. to be an actor."
Milo: "Yeah did you hear I won an Oscar?"
Maggie: "Oh"

Unsatisfied with how his life has been the past few years, Milo takes the opportunity to describe his career more as how he'd like it to be rather than how it actually is. In this delusion, he's an Oscar-winning actor.

Magic in the Moonlight Movie Quotes

Magic in the Moonlight Movie Quotes
"Magic in the Moonlight" movie quotes tell the story of one man who seeks to expose an alleged fake spiritualist. The comedy-drama movie was written and directed by Woody Allen. "Magic in the Moonlight" opened in a limited number of theaters in the United States on July 25, 2014.

In "Magic in the Moonlight," Stanley Crawford (Colin Firth) is stage illusionist Wei Ling Soo in 1920s Europe. As a favor to his friend Howard Burkan (Simon McBurney), Stanley visits the French Riviera to spend time with the Catledge family in a hopeful effort to expose Sophie Baker (Emma Stone), a spiritualist whom Howard thinks is a fraud.

Despite learning that members of the Catledge family, including Brice (Hamish Linklater), Grace (Jacki Weaver) and Carolina (Erica Leerhsen), are smitten with Sophie, Stanley is still unconvinced. But her charm and her ability to make him see the world in a way he never believed was real is growing on Stanley. His determination in the end may just shock everyone involved.

"Magic in the Moonlight" isn't the only great film in theaters in July 2014 as it opens battling the likes of "Hercules," "Lucy," "Planes: Fire & Rescue," "Sex Tape," "Wish I Was Here, "And So It Goes, "Dawn of Planet of the Apes," "A Long Way Down," "Tammy," "Earth to Echo," "Deliver Us from Evil," "Transformers: Age of Extinction," "Snowpiercer," "Begin Again," "They Came Together," "Think Like a Man Too," "22 Jump Street, "How to Train Your Dragon 2," "Hellion," "The Rover," and The Fault in Our Stars."
Magic in the Moonlight Movie Quotes,

Holding a Seance Tonight
Stanley Crawford: "I understand you're holding a seance tonight."
Grace Catledge: "The planets are in alignment."

Sophie Baker: "Now, I will summon the unseen worlds. Give us a sign!"

When Sophie holds a seance, Stanley thinks that this is a sure time to see that she's a fake. Instead, Stanley witnesses things he cannot explain.
Not Entirely Unappealing
Mrs. Baker: "Mr. Crawford is rather obnoxious."
Sophie Baker: "But he's not entirely unappealing."

Though they seem to have a combative relationship thus far, Sophie and Stanley are warming up to one another. Perhaps a romance is to follow?
Cumulus Clouds or Cirrus?
Sophie Baker: "My mental impressions are cloudy."
Stanley Crawford: "Are they cumulus clouds or cirrus?"
Sophie Baker: "You're making fun of me."

Stanley doesn't even try to hide the fact that he thinks Sophie's full of it when her vision grows cloudy. She is not amused by his mocking questions.
She's Quite Likable
Aunt Vanessa: "Stanley doesn't believe in spiritualists. He thinks you are all scoundrels."

Aunt Vanessa: "She's quite likable, even if she is a fraud."

While Stanley might not be charmed by Sophie, his Aunt Vanessa is warming up to the girl. Fraud or not, she is something special.
You Find That Menacing?
Stanley Crawford: "My aunt used to bring me here as a boy. The roof opens up and the universe is menacing."
Sophie Baker: "You find that menacing? I say it looks pretty romantic."

Stanley and Sophie head out to an observatory, a place Stanley visited as a child. He finds it menacing while she thinks it's romantic.
The More I Watch Her, the More I'm Stunned
Stanley Crawford: "The more I watch her, the more I'm stunned. Could she be real? I'm beginning to question my own common sense."
Aunt Vanessa: "You've always been so certain about the world and I've always tried to teach you that we don't know."

Stanley's Aunt Vanessa tries to remind him that despite his feelings to the contrary, the world is often not black or white, or even explainable. He's starting to see that she may be right.
Greatest Debunker of Fake Spiritualists
Howard Burkan: "Stanley, you are still the best in the world… I need your help."
Stanley Crawford: "The plot thickens."
Howard Burkan: "The Catledge family are socialites in the South of France. There's a woman who has them believing she's a spirit medium. You are the greatest debunker of fake spiritualists."
Stanley Crawford: "She won't fool me."

Howard Burkan enlists his friend, Stanley Crawford, for a special task. Howard thinks that a prominent family is being duped and wants Stanley to investigate.
More Mystery, More Magic
Stanley Crawford: "I'm overwhelmed, Sophie. I never thought you could be this beautiful… I believe that the dull reality of life is all there is but you are proof that there's more, more mystery, more magic."

Stanley is forever changed by Sophie, especially on his outlook on life. But she has shown him things beyond his former dull reality and that's something magical.
You Think You'll Trick Me
Stanley Crawford: "You are a very clever little humbug."
Sophie Baker: "You think you'll trick me into showing you how I deceive people."

Sophie is not dumb to Stanley's plan to expose her as a fraud and confronts him on this motive head on.
Are You from the Orient?
Sophie Baker: "I'm getting a mental impression. Are you from the Orient? Far East?"

Howard Burkan: "Considering you are Wei Ling Soo, that's pretty damn impressive."

In his first meeting with Sophie, Stanley is far from convinced that she's the real deal but her reading of him is pretty spot on.

Big Eyes Movie Quotes

Big Eyes Movie Quotes
“Big Eyes” movie quotes tell the true story of the rise and fall of the Big Eyes paintings as painted and sold by Walter and Margaret Keane in the 1950s. The drama film was directed by Tim Burton using a screenplay by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski. “Big Eyes” opened in theaters in the United States on December 25, 2014.

In “Big Eyes,” undiscovered painter Margaret (Amy Adams), whose artwork consistently features humans and pets with overly large eyes, moves to San Francisco where she meets and soon marries Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz). Walter sees the potential of the Big Eyes paintings and begins to sell them commercially, plus convert them to prints, postcards and other formats. The couple makes a boatload of money but it all comes under the premise that Walter painted them, not Margaret.

This act of dishonesty is one that ultimately drives them apart. While Margaret wants the truth to come out and recognition for her work, which built them a small empire, Walter fears that art from a female isn’t profitable and that they’d lose all they’ve built if the public knew the truth. What follows is nothing short of an epic court battle where only one Keane will prevail.

“Big Eyes” is just one of numerous fantastic films in theaters for the holidays in 2014 along with ”The Interview,” ”Unbroken,” ”American Sniper,” ”Into the Woods,” ”The Gambler,” ”The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” ”Annie,” ”Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb,” ”Mr. Turner,” "Life Partners," "Comet," "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1," and "Horrible Bosses 2.
Big Eyes Movie Quotes,

I Lied to My Child
Priest: “What is troubling you?”
Margaret Keane: “I lied to my child and I’m just not that kind of person.”
Priest: “Is your husband that kind of person?”

Margaret has regret over the fact that she lied to daughter Jane about the true artist behind the Big Eyes. As the priest mentions, perhaps her husband is the bad influence pushing her to do such a thing.
You're Confused. I Painted That
Jane: “I remember when my momma painted that.”
Walter Keane: “You’re confused. I painted that.”

When Margaret’s daughter, Jane, mentions that she remembers when mother Margaret painted a specific piece, Walter corrects her. Both Margaret and Walter lie to the child in order to preserve the business they built.
It's Like a Mirage
Margaret Keane: “It’s like a mirage. From the distance, you look like a painter, but up close there is not much there.”

Margaret describes Walter, with whom she’s now seeing as someone who crossed her, instead of a doting husband. He paints him as a fraud, someone who appears to be something he’s not from far away but one who is transparent up close.
Maybe I Could Sign It Myself
Margaret Keane: “These paintings are a part of my being. Maybe I could sign it myself.”
Walter Keane: “That sounds a big confusing. Doesn’t it? Keane means me.”

When Margaret suggests that she should finally take the credit for her work, Walter isn’t having any of that. While he claims he doesn’t want to confuse anyone, he also doesn’t want to lose the spotlight.
Walter is a Blessing
Walter Keane: “What’s your name?”
Margaret Keane: “Margaret. Wouldn’t you rather flirt with those girls down there?”
Walter Keane: “No, I like you, Margaret.”

DeAnn: “Wow, this is all happening mighty quick.”
Margaret Keane: “I am a divorcee with a child. Walter is a blessing.”

Margaret and Walter meet in San Francisco and immediately hit it off and after a short time, they are married. Margaret’s friend DeAnn is critical of the sudden union but Margaret sees it as her only choice.
I Painted Every Single One of Them
Margaret Keane: “This is what it’s come to, huh? You are the only living soul I can tell my secret to. I painted every single one of them, every Big Eye, me, and no one will ever know but you.”

In speaking to her poodle, Margaret is honest with the dog as to the true creator of the best-selling paintings. While she can tell this secret to her dog, it’s something that she fears the public can never know.
They Adore Your Big Eyes
Enrico Banducci: “We’re sold out!”

Walter Keane: “They adore your Big Eyes.”

Snobby Artist: “He sells paintings. Then he sells pictures of the paintings. Then he sells postcards of pictures of the paintings.”

Walter has built a small empire with the Big Eyes work, which has turned into a bunch of money for he and Margaret. He found new ways to sell and market the art, earning the dislike of other artists in the process.
Why Are You Lying?
Walter Keane: “The eyes are the windows of the soul… That’s why I paint them so big. I’ve always done it that way.”
Margaret Keane: “Why are you lying?”

When Walter presents her paintings as his own, Margaret is confused and surprised. She cannot understand why he would lie about something like this, especially at her expense.
If You Tell Anyone
Walter Keane: “Do you want to give back the money? If you tell anyone, this empire collapses.”
Margaret Keane: “If that’s the price…”

Things reach a breaking points between Margaret and Walter. She’s ready to spill the beans on being the true artist behind the Big Eyes, regardless of the consequences of that revelation.
People Don't Buy Lady Art
Walter Keane: “Sadly, people don’t buy lady art for paintings. The painting says Keane. I’m Keane. You’re Keane.”

Walter explains to Margaret why he is telling everyone that he painted the Big Eyes instead of her. He believes that in order to be commercially successful, the painter must be male.

Black or White Movie Quotes

Black or White Movie Quotes
“Black or White” movie quotes tell the story of one granddaughter in the middle of a custody battle between her white maternal grandfather and black paternal grandmother. The drama film was written and directed by Mike Binder. After premiering at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival, “Black or White” opened in theaters on January 30, 2015.

In “Black or White,” Eloise (Jillian Estell) is a biracial little girl who, after her mother’s death during childbirth, was raised by her white maternal grandparents (Kevin Costner and Jennifer Ehle). But after her maternal grandmother dies in a car accident, maternal grandfather Elliot is left with Eloise all alone.

So when paternal grandmother Rowena (Octavia Spencer) hears of the news, she pushes for custody of Eloise, much to the displeasure of Elliot. Rowena feels that Eloise needs to spend more time with her side of the family and Eloise’s father Reggie (Andre Holland), who has a drug problem. The matter ends up in court where the issue turns into one about race, family and love.

“Black or White” joins the early 2015 movie season which already includes films such as ”Mortdecai,” ”The Boy Next Door,” ”Black Sea,” ”Strange Magic,” ”Still Alice,” ”The Wedding Ringer,” ”Blackhat,” ”Taken 3,” ”Predestination,” ”A Most Violent Year,” ”The Interview,” ”Unbroken,” ”American Sniper,” ”Into the Woods,” ”Big Eyes,” ”The Gambler,” ”The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” and ”Annie.”
Black or White Movie Quotes,

You Really Plan on Raising Her All By Yourself?
Attorney: “You really plan on raising her all by yourself? Do you need to call her other grandmother?”
Elliot: “Grandma WeeWee?”
Attorney: “Yes”
Elliot: “The last person I need around me right now is Grandma WeeWee.”

Elliot’s attorney questions if he can really take care of Eloise on his own. He suggests Elliot should call Eloise’s paternal grandmother, a suggestion Elliot has no interest in.
This is Everyday?
Elliot: “Toothpaste, toothbrush, in your mouth now… What?”
Eloise: “Louder, you’ve gotta be mad at me like you mean it.”
Elliot: “Eloise, you brush those teeth! Don’t make me come in there and have to say it twice.”
Eloise: “Nice”

Elliot: “What are you doing?”
Eloise: “I’m going to make pancakes. Set the table please.”

Elliot: [combing Eloise’s hair] “This is everyday?”
Eloise: “Yep”

Eloise: “It needs a bow. You tied it like a shoelace.”

Left to take care of Eloise by himself, Elliot works to get into the groove to meet her needs. For his sake, Eloise is there to help him find the tone he needs.
We Need to Start Talking About Shared Custody
Rowena: “You got a plan for Eloise in light of all this? She’s got a whole lot of family down with me.”
Elliot: “Well, you can always come for a swim.”

Rowena: “I’m thinking we need to start talking about shared custody.”
Elliot: “Not going to happen”
Rowena: “She has a father!”

Rowena approaches Elliot about Eloise, then later shows up with her extended family for a swim day. Rowena also uses he opportunity to suggest that she and Elliot should share custody, not that Elliot is listening to any of that.
We Had a Bad Night Last Night
Elliot: “We had a bad night last night, Eloise, you and I. Grandma Carol was killed in an accident, a car accident. A man hit her and she and he and several others, they’re all gone.”
Eloise: “Have you been drinking?”
Elliot: “I have, yes.”
Eloise: “I don’t like it when you drink.”
Elliot: “I know. I’m so sorry about your grandma, Eloise. I know you loved her a lot and she loved you so very much. I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
Eloise: “No, I’m super sad.”
Elliot: “So am I sweetheart. It’s the worst day of my life.”

Elliot has the tough task of informing granddaughter Eloise that her grandmother, who raised her from birth, has died. Neither take the news well, and rightfully so.
Now Her Grandmother's Gone Too
Elliot: “This is Eloise. She’s my granddaughter. My wife and I raised her after my daughter died. Then life threw us a curve and now her grandmother’s gone too, the love of my life.”

Elliot explains his current situation and the overall plot of the film. He and his wife were raising their granddaughter after their daughter died. Now that his wife has died too, he and Eloise are left all alone, or so he thinks.
This is About Eloise
Rowena: “You just want her away from us, the black people.”
Elliot: “I’ve lost everything. I can’t lose her too. This isn’t about black and white. This is about Eloise.”

Rowena accuses Elliot of making the custody battle about race. But to Elliot, it’s not about black or white, it’s about family.
You Petitioned for Custody
Rowena: “This is a little girl’s life we’re talking about.”
Jeremiah: “You know what, Rowena? You petitioned for custody!”

Jeremiah reminds Rowena that it was her doing that got them into this custody battle, one that is heading to court. She asked for this mess and must stand by as it is now figured out.
And You're a Drunk
Elliot: “You live in a blind spot when it comes to your son. He’s a junkie.”
Rowena: “And you’re a drunk!”
Elliot: “Okay, thank you”
Rowena: “Run on home, fill your bathtub with whiskey and just soak in it. Have yourself an old drunk man’s bubble bath.”
Elliot: “Got it”
Rowena: “Good”

Elliot points out to Rowena that Eloise’s father is not stable enough to take care of his daughter. But, as Rowena points out, Elliot has some demons of his own that make him less than a perfect caregiver.
Do You Dislike Black People?
Rowena: “Eloise needs more love than just her grandfather can give her.”
Elliot: “What she needs is stability, especially now since she’s lost her grandmother…”
Rowena: [clears her throat loudly]
Jeremiah: “One of her grandmothers”

Jeremiah: “Do you dislike black people?”
Elliot: “Not all of them”

In court, Jeremiah grills Elliot about his ability to care for Eloise and his feelings on black people in general. He also corrects Elliot when he mentions that Eloise’s grandmother has died.

Mr. Holmes Movie Quotes

Mr. Holmes Movie Quotes
Mr. Holmes movie quotes bring the classic character of Sherlock Holmes back to theaters for a look at his life in retirement. The crime mystery drama, using the character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was based on the book A Slight Trick of the Mind by Mitch Cullin and adapted into a screenplay by Jeffrey Hatcher. Bill Condon directed Mr. Holmes, which opened in British theaters on June 19, 2015, then in American theaters on July 17, 2015.

In Mr. Holmes, the long-serving detective Sherlock Holmes (Sir Ian McKellen) is now retired and living in a farmhouse with his bees, housekeeper Mrs. Monro (Laura Linney) and her son, Roger (Milo Parker). While his mind is failing him in his old age of 93, he can't shake the feeling that he needs to re-write the account of what happened in his last case as his former partner, Dr. Watson (Colin Starkey), used some artistic license in his account.

So, with the help of Roger, Holmes sets off to first remember the case and write down his account of the events. In flashbacks, he remembers being approached by husband Thomas (Patrick Kennedy) who was concerned about his wife, Ann (Hattie Morahan). When Ann ends up dead, it's up to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to crack the case. But in Holmes' recollection, he realizes more about the case than he ever knew before, ultimately finding the closure he sought.

Mr. Holmes hits theaters alongside other great films such as Ant-Man, Trainwreck, Minions, and Boulevard.
Mr. Holmes Movie Quotes,

Get it Right Before I Die
Sherlock Holmes: Planning an escape with a mystery man? What possible motive could that German woman had to kill Ann? That night, I searched for something to jog my memory of the actual case and there it was, a picture. You know, a few years ago, I could have told you everything about the woman in that photograph. Certainly, I'd recall what had come of her whether she was victim of culprit. But that night, I couldn't remember any of it. The only thing for certain was the case was my last and was why I left the profession, came down here to tend to my bees. So, I've decided to write the story down on paper as it was, not as John made it. Get it right before I die.
Roger Monro: You're not going to die.
Sherlock Holmes: I'm 93.
Roger Monro: I had a great uncle who lived to be 102.
Sherlock Holmes: Well then, that seals my fate. What are the odds that you would know two men who would live that long?
Roger Monro: Well, I didn't actually know him.

Sherlock Holmes tries to think through the case of a wife killed, his final case. He remarks how his memory is failing him, but that does not stop him in trying to get it right while he is still alive.
Bees Don't Have Teeth
Roger Monro: You ever been bitten?
Sherlock Holmes: Stung! Bees don't have teeth!
Mrs. Munro: You ever been bitten?
Sherlock Holmes: No, I have never been bit.

Now that he's retired, Sherlock Holmes spends his days keeping his bees. While this is slightly frightening to Roger and Mrs. Monro, he's never had a problem with them, well, one that he can remember.
About to Start an Investigation
Roger Monro: We're about to start an investigation.
Mrs. Monro: If you need suspects, you know where to find me.

Roger, who has been taken under the wing of Sherlock Holmes, tells his mother about an investigation he and Holmes will be conducting. Mrs. Monro sees this bonding time between old man and inquisitive young boy as something very special.
My Ann Has Changed
Thomas Kelmot: My Ann has changed. Yesterday, I followed her.
Chemist: It is highly poisonous. A drop will more than suffice.

In a flashback to the last case investigated by Sherlock Holmes, Thomas seeks the help of Holmes after noticing that his wife, Ann, is acting strangely. Indeed, Ann is also seen visiting a chemist who gives her a highly poisonous substance. But why?
Did You Do the Thing?
Roger Monro: Did you do the thing?
Sherlock Holmes: What thing?
Roger Monro: 'The cane shows the marks of a dog's teeth. The wood is from an island southwest of Madera.' That thing
Sherlock Holmes: That was an embellishment of Dr. Watson. If I ever write a story myself, it will be to correct the milliard misconceptions created by his imaginative license.

Again, Sherlock Holmes is faced with the reputation created about him in Dr. Watson's books. Sherlock wishes to write a truthful story one of these days to correct the creative storytelling of his former partner.
A Convincing Set of Circumstances
Sherlock Holmes: A convincing set of circumstances signaling your intention to murder your husband.

Sherlock Holmes comes to a conclusion that wife Ann intends to murder husband Thomas, which is why she is obtaining poison. But is that the truth, or just his memory playing tricks on him?
Your Favorite Hat
Matsuda Umezaki: My mother, she wonders if you brought your famous hat.
Sherlock Holmes: The deerstalker? I've never worn one.
Matsuda Umezaki: And a pipe?
Sherlock Holmes: I prefer a cigar.

In Japan, Sherlock Holmes' reputation precedes him as he meets with Matsuda Umezaki and his mother. They seem disappointed that he does not conform to the stereotype of him perpetuated by Dr. Watson's stories.
When You're a Detective...
Roger Monro: A man comes to Baker street, you say, 'you've come about your wife.' How could you tell?
Sherlock Holmes: When you're a detective and a man comes to visit you, it's usually about his wife.

Roger, eager to learn the tricks of the trade from Sherlock Holmes, asks why Holmes knows what a man wants before the man tells him. As Holmes explains, a lifetime of doing the same work gives him that insight.

The 35+ Best Drama Movies About Survival

The 35+ Best Drama Movies About Survival

Whether facing the apocalypse, zombies, or a vast open ocean, characters in the best survival drama movies all share an undying fight for life. The top survival films push lone characters to the limits as they face unimaginable threats. This is a list of great drama films about survival featuring everything from Life of Pi to The Road to Gladiator.

What films will you find on this list of the best survival dramas? Maybe you would vote the modern classic Life of Pi to the top. This Oscar-winning tale was as much a feast for the eyes as it was a thrilling story of survival. Cast Away, starring Tom Hanks, is another good survival movie featuring one man, a lot of water, and an unlikely friend. Based on the real-life experiences of Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell, Lone Survivor is a gripping tale of war and the brotherhood of soldiers. Other exciting and sad films featured on this top survival movies list include 127 Hours, Gravity, and The Road.

Which survival movie do you think deserves the top spot on this list? Give your favorites a thumbs up and get in on the conversation in the comments section.

The 35+ Best Drama Movies About Survival,

The Road

Cast Away


Into the Wild

The Pianist

127 Hours

Life of Pi



The Revenant

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